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Campoal - Petition Platform WordPress ThemeCampoal - Petition Platform WordPress Theme
Compoal is a Complete WordPress theme to build Petition Platform, Social Movement and Non-profit website

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Campoal - Petition Platform WordPress Theme
Compoal is a Complete WordPress theme to build Petition Platform, Social Movement and Non-profit ...

272 Support questions or comments
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Oct 26, 2018Mhaaraharyana PurchasedHi Conikal
I noticed that you have updated the theme. Can you please let me know what has been the change in the new update from the previous version. - View 2 more replies
Oct 29, 2018conikal AuthorGo to > Settings > Discussion and uncheck all field on Before a comment appears
https://d.pr/free/i/x56Zas -
Oct 29, 2018Mhaaraharyana PurchasedNot good. Still manual. I have to approve it before it shows.
Oct 29, 2018conikal AuthorYou are checked or not checked on settings? It's not check on settings. I did test a lot on our website and it's worked. You also should switch to ajax comment mode on Options > Appearance.
Please provide more info about your problem or your website info send to [email protected]
Oct 20, 2018Hello!
I wonder, is there an easy way to translate the theme in different languages?
Asking because I have to make local petitions in a different language as a lot of the people don't speak English. -
Oct 21, 2018conikal AuthorHi Volodya,
Poedit is easy way to translate theme, also use Poedit Pro to translate automation in 5 minutes.
Download it on https://poedit.net. Open /theme/campoal/language/campoal.pot and create new translation in language you want. -
Oct 21, 2018Thank you! I will look into this and purchase the theme.
Oct 19, 2018MrBes PurchasedHi,
I tried to connect to Google and Facebook, but that's fine, but a new user is created each time. It's not practical if I realize that this process is faster after I first connect.
It lacks the ability to attach our social networks once connected, with a mail rapprochement first (connected or not), and an id rapprochement if already connected.
The attachment metode OAuth should then be present on the user account.
Thanks for the future update if you think that too. -
Oct 19, 2018conikal AuthorI think I did understand your idea, do you want allow old user has been register by email connect to their social account on profile page then they can login by social account without created more new user?
Oct 19, 2018MrBes PurchasedYes exactly !
Oct 3, 2018Mhaaraharyana PurchasedHi
I tried to put Google login on but nothing happened. Today i received mail from google team, please check https://prnt.sc/l1ugtb
How do we put their standard login image instead of what is provided in the theme. - View 21 more replies
Oct 15, 2018conikal AuthorAll email work fine with any SMTP (not required from SendinBlue) but Petition Update email will send by SendinBlue as a email campaign automation when user add new update.
Oct 15, 2018conikal AuthorYou don't need change your SMTP or have SendinBlue SMTP.
Oct 15, 2018Mhaaraharyana Purchasedok
Oct 2, 2018MrBes PurchasedHi,
I just bought it.
If you can personalize it for me, thanks to indicate me your the daily rate by mail/skype. -
Oct 2, 2018conikal Author
Oct 1, 2018Mhaaraharyana PurchasedHi Conikal
Which php file i need to work on to customize the email that is being sent by default when a user:
1. Create Petition.
2. Sign Petition.
3. Update on Petition. -
Oct 1, 2018conikal AuthorHi there,
I am working for customize email now, if you can't wait it. you self customize email in /wp-content/plugins/campoal-tapo/inc/email_notification.php
all email function in this file. remember backup your customize file when upgrade plugin. -
Oct 1, 2018Mhaaraharyana Purchasedok. How much time do you forsee for this next update?
Oct 2, 2018Mhaaraharyana Purchasedconikal, what would be the redirect_uri for google login
Oct 1, 2018Artem3 PurchasedHi, I want to delete second part of victory section on home page https://prnt.sc/l0rx6q
What the file .php I need to edit? - View 4 more replies
Oct 1, 2018conikal Authorplease adjust to 230px;
.home-spotlight {
margin-top: 230px !important;
clear cache and refresh paga -
Oct 1, 2018Artem3 PurchasedNice! Thank you so much!
Oct 1, 2018Mhaaraharyana PurchasedHi @Artem3 How did you achieve the search bar option on your website. It looks very professional.
Sep 29, 2018Mhaaraharyana PurchasedI just noticed there is no report content option for petitions?
Is this functionality available? - View 2 more replies
Sep 29, 2018Mhaaraharyana PurchasedHow to change these custom notifications..http://prntscr.com/l0727f
Instead of this i want to write You have signed the petition but we recommend you to sign up/ sign in. -
Sep 30, 2018conikal AuthorYou can disable it in Campoal Option > General http://prntscr.com/l0dtrp
You can reach us via [email protected]
Thanks -
Sep 30, 2018Mhaaraharyana PurchasedI have emailed you just now.
Sep 27, 2018zaxmas PurchasedHow do I edit this copyright text at the footer section? https://prnt.sc/kzaenw
Sep 27, 2018conikal AuthorHi there,
If on 1.1.0 version you can access to Campoal Options > Footer
on 1.0.4 verson access to Theme Settings > Appearance -
Oct 1, 2018zaxmas PurchasedThanks Conikal for your prompt responses. Great customer support!! Now, I see that am running on 1.0.4. How do I update to 1.1.0 while keeping published content intact? I attempted to replace the old files with the new ones in File Manager, and the site was defaced. Will appreciate. Thanks
Oct 1, 2018conikal AuthorYou should swicth to default theme then uninstall old version and install new version by way upload on Appearance from Dashboard.
Sep 26, 2018Bin PurchasedThis is very good effort. I would like to appreciate the developer of this theme.
Facing some issue: The "post on Facebook" button is not working when you sign the petition. Both on mobile and web. What i am missing here? - View 4 more replies
Sep 27, 2018Bin PurchasedThanks. its works now. A popup is opened to share it. Can you check one more thing? if its on mobile is there any option open the facebook app directly to share ?
Sep 27, 2018conikal AuthorCurrent I don't find any way to open Facebook App when share a link. If you find any website allow share link by way Facebook App, please let me know.
Feb 6, 2019Kendrick Purchasedalso have this problem, FB and Twitter social shares DO NOT WORK.
Category | Themes / WordPress / Miscellaneous |
First release | 5 February 2017 |
Last update | 18 April 2024 |
HTML/CSS Framework | Semantic UI |
Supported CMS | WordPress 5.0, WooCommerce 6.x, WordPress 5.8, WordPress 5.9 |
Files included | .php, .css, .html, .xml, Javascript .js |
JavaScript Framework | jQuery |
Tags | foundation, non-profit, campaign, signature, fundraising, donations |