Campoal - Petition Platform WordPress ThemeCampoal - Petition Platform WordPress Theme
Compoal is a Complete WordPress theme to build Petition Platform, Social Movement and Non-profit website

Campoal - Petition Platform WordPress Theme
Compoal is a Complete WordPress theme to build Petition Platform, Social Movement and Non-profit ...

The fastest way to start a petition platform.
We make it easy for you to create your own petition and fundraising platform on WordPress in minutes that help people in your country start a social movement campaigns, mobilize supporters and raise funds to change your country a better place.
Why use Campoal?
Campoal saves you thousands of work hours while creating an online petition website. Learn why it’s the best petition platform solution.
High Performance
Development for latest version of WordPress with modern stacks to optimized speed.
Easy Configuration
Build and customize made easy with hundreds of options. No coding skill required!
Professional Design
The user experience is deeply researched for its design that is easy to use for everyone.
How It Works?
Campoal is the most completed petition platform WordPress theme where anyone can just start a petition by answering three questions. Then easily share the petition on Facebook and Twitter to mobilize supporters. Finally, meet the decision makers and work to drive the solutions they want to change.
Create a Petition
People and organizations can create a petition and launch the campaign for free.
Collect Supporters
Sharing with friends, family and supporters builds momentum via social media.
Drive Solution
Export signature to meet the decision makers and drive the solutions.
Plug and Play. Forget coding.
Campoal was built through 5 years of development, features crafted and debugged to achieve the highest perfection. See the built-in core features.
Create a Petition
The submission campaign page is designed for people to start their petition quickly and easily in four steps with decision maker search box, Google Place Autocomplete, drag & drop to upload and video embed. Petition starters can set their goal of signature for the campaign and add topics to spread in the community.
Sign the Petition
eople can support the petition by writing a reason and clicking on the sign button, they can choose to display the name or sign it as anonymous, choose to receive the email update for the campaign or not.
After the user has signed successfully, a pop-up will be activated to suggest they share their campaign and donate money for the campaign owner, at the same time a signature confirmation email will be sent to supporters.
Fundraising & Donate
Campaign owners can set up donations to receive donations from supporters, after the campaign ends, they can submit a withdrawal request to receive their money via PayPal, Payoneer or Bank Transfer. Supporters can donate for the campaigns via a Payment Gateway by Give Add-Ons like Stripe, Paypal, Authorize.net, Paytm, 2Checkout,…
Statistics Dashboard
The campaign owner can track how many people signed the petition by week, month, year. Know who they are, what is their gender, where they come from and how old they are.
Once the user has logged in, the homepage will be redirected to the newsfeed, which will display the campaigns of the users and topics they have following.
Trending Campaigns
We have developed a complex algorithm to sort campaigns based on the number of supporters over a period of time that you can set in a panel and it’ll display the most of the campaign people support by the days.
Campaign Update
Campaign owners can post up-to-date articles on the campaign’s situation for supporters such as articles, changes, supporter goals and announcements.
Decision Maker
Decision makers at the highest levels of government or company can switch to the decision maker account type and post a public response directly on the petition to campaign owners and supporters.
Identity Verification
To confirm the decision maker is not an impersonated account. Identity verification feature allows decision makers to upload one of the personal documents such as Nation ID, Driver’s License or passport and take their face photo so that the administrator can approve the legislator account.
Export Signatures
The petition owner can download the signatures of supporters as a CSV or PDF file and use it to submit to the decision makers.
User Dashboard
With the dashboard, they can manage their campaigns, topics and users they are following, view the petitions they have signed, manage their contributions and transactions of supporters from campaigns. Update their financial information and make a withdrawal request.
Author’s Team
Campaign owners can set a member in their team as an moderator of campaign by username or email, allow more people to have permission to control campaign, add new updates and download signatures from dashboard.
Embed Widget
Widgets allow journalists and bloggers to embed a petition card into their posts via an iframe tag. It helps spread campaigns through journalism easily.
Membership Certificate
When a user makes a donation to the campaigns and reaches a minimum amount of donations, a badge will show up on their avatar as a tribute to their contributions to the community.
Earn Money
You can set service fees and transaction fees for each donation from supporters to campaigns. This amount will be deducted from the withdrawal of campaign owners.
Search Suggestion
Get search results instantly while you are typing a query on the search box. You can also filter search results with just one click with a lot of search filter conditions.
Social Login
Facebook and Google are integrated with Campoal to sign in via their social account with just one click, improve user experience and increase the engagement of new users.
Toast Notification
Show notifications that prompt users to confirm their email, update missing profile information and set a new password in case of creating an account with a random password.
Vote & Citation
The voting and citation feature allows anyone to submit an article with a view to agreeing or disagreeing with the petition. Based on the number of citations that agree and disagree we know the fact score of the petition.
Email Marketing Intergrated.
SendinBlue is deeply integrated with Campoal. When a campaign is launched, an email list will be automatically created on SendinBlue and when supporters sign the petition their email will be saved to that email list.
When adding a new update of a campaign, an email campaign on SendinBlue will be automatically created with the content of the update and mapped to email lists that the email campaign can send immediately or schedule.
Modern Comment
The comment system on Campoal was developed separately by Ajax instead of using the default WordPress comment. Your comment is displayed immediately when you press the enter instead of going crazy when waiting for a reload page.
Bitly URL Shorten
On each published campaign, a shortened URL will be automatically generated on your Bitly account based on the API you configure on Campoal Options. You can change the domain name you want on Bitly’s dashboard eg. doma.in
Integrated with Polylang allows you to create a bilingual or multilingual WordPress site or use the GTranslate plugin to allow users to convert to their language using Google Translate without the effort of manual translation.
The Multi-Country feature also allows supporters to filter petitions in their country by campaign location in their language.
2-Factor Authentication
2-Factor Authentication is an extra layer of security used to protect user accounts in case passwords are stolen and make sure that people trying to gain access to an online account are who they say they are.
Integrated with most popular applications such as Google Authenticator, Microsoft Authenticator, Authy, Okta, … to help users easily set up 2FA to fully protect their accounts.
Create your Shop
Campoal integrates with WooCommerce – the most popular eCommerce plugin helps you build your shop easily. Easily configure your shop catalog and product pages with additional theme features.
Gutenberg Blocks
Campoal is compatible with Gutenberg – a block-based page builder that helps you easy to design and pagespeed optimization with 22 custom blocks.
WP Bakery Builder.
21 modules to help you design your pages easily in minutes with many useful add-ons and shortcodes.
Markdown Editor
Markdown is a text-to-HTML conversion tool for web writers. Markdown allows you to write using an easy-to-read, easy-to-write plain text format, then convert it to structurally valid HTML.
Translation Ready
There’s a .pot file, included with the theme, that allows you to use POEdit or Loco Translate to easily translate our theme into your native language.
Mobile Friendly Design
Like mobile first design, all pages are optimized to look great on mobile screens with draw menu, sign petition bottom sidebar and a lot of other custom for small screens.
Responsive Design
Campoal’s responsive design is using HTML and CSS to automatically resize, hide, shrink, or enlarge, a website, to make it look good on all devices included desktops, tablets, and phones.
Advanced Features
View Counter
Knowing how many people view campaigns and posts, it shows when hovering on image.
Auto Increase Goal
The goal will automatically increase base on the rate setup by campaign owner.
Bookmark the campaigns you are interested in and view it at another time you want.
Lazy Load
Placeholder image which is only replaced with actual content when the user needs it.
Ajax Page
Gives better performance and feels more comfortable than reloading the entire web.
User Follow
Follow someone or topics and their petitions or topics you’re following will show on newsfeed.
Prompt Action
Remind users to take action by show a modal if user stay long time on petition page.
Profile Type
Allow users to select the type of profile they want to fit their activity.
Protects you against spam and other types of automated abuse without any user friction.
Report Content
Allow users report issues, helping administrators control content on the site.
RTL Support
Build-in support for RTL (right to left) language like Arabic, Hebrew, Persian,.. etc.
1-Click Demo Import
Just one click, wait a few minutes and you have a completed website.
What can I do with Campoal?
Petition Platform
Build a petition platform to help people speak up about their problems.
Build a website where everyone can donate to help the victims and solve problems.
Create a website to connect your nonprofit with people around the world.
Build to Scale.
We’re build the product to scale.
Campoal is used by Narada.ro the largest education crowdfunding website in Rumania. Live websites is handling millions of page views monthly are powered by Campoal.
List Features
- Responsive design
- Based on Semantic UI
- Retina ready
- WooCommerce support
- Cross-browser compatible
- Valid HTML5 markup
- Unique CSS3 animations
- Front-end create petition
- Front-end edit petition
- Front-end add update on petition
- Add Bookmark petition
- Campain analytics
- Raise funds by Give plugin
- Export supporters as CSV
- Search suggestion real-time
- Login with Facebook and Google accounts
- Auto load more on page navigation
- Video in page header
- Custom homepage slideshow
- Set blog post as featured
- Set featured victory petition
- Define user is Decision Maker
- Add, remove, approve Decision Maker
- Unlimited petition categories and topics
- Change sidebar position
- Set number of petitions per page
- Set number of updates on petition page
- Set number of comment on single page
- Show similar petitions on petition page
- Show related articles on blog post
- Set contact details for contact page
- Set footer copyright text
- Set homepage header caption with call to action button
- Set homepage spotlight area
- Hidden slideshow, spotlight after login
- Add testimonials
- Custom Colors
- Custom Typography
- Minimum of supporters
- Minimum supporters to change goal
- Set goal default
- Auto increase goal
- Set days of trending
- Separate fullname
- Choose username
- Two field name
- Sign petition without login
- Hastag social sharing
- Custom Icon
- Custom logo
- Default Avatar
- Moderation approval
- Ajax Page
- Ajax preloader style
- Homepage slideshow Images
- Video background
- Home tab default
- Victory Slider
- Victory slider logged in
- Hero section logged in
- Spotlight logged in
- Home caption
- Caption Alignment
- CTA Button
- Home Spotlight
- Trending topics
- Page hero background image
- Smooth scroll
- Breadcrumbs
- External link option
- Show or hidden comments
- Ajax comment
- Action after sign
- Passing button
- Default accordion
- Unsign Petition
- Show or hidden reason sign box
- Show or hidden share comment box
- View counter
- Receive update option
- Anonymous signing
- Similar petition
- Condition of similar petition
- Supporters section
- Donors section
- Letter section
- Condition text
- Layout style options
- Pagination options
- Number format
- Editor style options
- Prompt action
- Profile type
- Mobile style options
- User menu
- Search bar
- Search minimum characters
- Search maxinum results
- Search display options
- Advanced search filter
- Submit petition button
- Login link on Desktop
- Login link on mobile
- User name on menu
- Header height
- Header wide
- Header style
- Header type
- Page hero opacity
- Post hero opacity
- Footer column
- Back to top
- Custom javascript
- Copyright text
- 3 blog layout
- 3 post layout
- Post Dropcap
- Related articles
- Related articles style
- Fields & Required options
- Export fields options
- Vote & Citation
- Fundraising & donate
- Show or hidden amount of contribute
- Label of button show on contribute
- Contribution level badge
- Image for level badge
- Service fees and Transaction fee
- Custom notification
- Remind user update profile
- Remind user set new passowrd
- Show welcome notification for new user
- Verify email notification
- Send email notifcation
- Email templates
- Embed widget
- Google place autocomplete
- Bitly Short URL
- SendinBlue Email
- Google reCAPTCHA
- Useful shortcodes
- Divider
- Button
- Segment
- Spaces
- Heading
- Icon box
- Parallax
- Grid & Column
- Infomation
- Team
- Testimonials
- Recent Petition
- Popular Petition
- Recent Victory Petition
- Featured Victory Petiton
- Recent blog post
- Featured blog post
- Category
- Petition Updates
- Sign & Share box
- Supporters & Donors
- Supporter Counter
- Progressive Supporters
- Promo banner
- Custom Widgets
- Campoal Contact
- Campoal Recently
- Campoal Featured
- Campoal Post Recently
- Campoal Post Featured
- Campoal Social Networks
- Campoal Topic Cards
- Campoal Category Cards
- Custom Page Templates
- Contact Page
- Submit Petition
- Edit Petition
- Add Update
- My Petition
- Petition Bookmarked
- Petition Signed
- Petition Search Result
- User Account
- Dashboard Petition
- All Petition
- Sign Successfully
- Submit give form
- Supporters & Donors list
- Login
- Homepage
- Fullwidth
- Embed widget
v2.0.2 - 21 Feb, 2022
- Fixed overflowing content
- Fixed English singular
- Fixed internal link not work
- Fixed inconsistent styling on hover
- Fixed responsive layout on across devices
- Fixed all invalidate HTML through the W3C
- Fixed small bugs
- Improved styling for 3rd plugins
- Improved usability
v2.0.1 - 08 Feb, 2022
- Fixed bugs
v2.0.0 - 06 Feb, 2022
- Compatible with WordPress 5.9
- Integrated Gutenberg
- Added email to decision maker
- Added new Gutengerg demo
- Added more option
- Fixed small bugs
v1.10.6 - 08 Nov, 2021
- Update post view by ajax
- Fixed bug on newsfeed tab homepage
- Fixed shadow on cookie notice
- Fixed lazy load supporter avatar
v1.10.5 - 31 Oct, 2021
- Add CTA button type option
v1.10.4 - 28 Oct, 2021
- Fixed style issues
- Fixed avatar lazy load
- Update new language files
v1.10.3 - 25 Oct, 2021
- Fixed mobile login button
v1.10.2 - 24 Oct, 2021
- Fixed styling issues
- Fixed team shortcode bug
- Update demo
v1.10.1 - 24 Oct, 2021
- Fixed custom color in textarea field
- Fixed CTA button
- Fixed fundraising title not update
v1.10.0 - 23 Oct, 2021
- Added donation receipt page
- Added home tabs sortable option
- Fixed donation form on fundraising update page
- Fixed home category sticky
- Fixed load more petitions issue
- Fixed Bookmark page layout
- Fixed bug when edit citation
- Fixed campaign update selection for fundraising campaign
- Fixed fundraising shortcode
- Fixed redirect homepage when on Front End editor
- Fixed backer number on support page
- Fixed hero post display on single document
- Fixed no display guest donation
- Sticky donation on fundraising page
- Scroll top when click ajax page
- Change WP Bakery icon shortcode
- Improved Woocommerce options dropdown
v1.9.12 - 07 Oct, 2021
- Add font uppercase option
- Disable auto check license on localhost
- Bugs fixed on admin
v1.9.11 - 14 Sep, 2021
- Fixed bugs
v1.9.10 - 12 Sep, 2021
- Fixed login link
v1.9.9 - 11 Sep, 2021
Added date time of signature list
Added supporter list display style option
Added language selection to header menu
Added submit button custom icon option
Added top menu
Added color options
Added Petition archive page
Added membership page
Added count animation
Added start petition button option
Added 2 Factor Authentication
Added border radius option
Added cookie notice toast style
Added custom color in email template
Added comment shortcode
Added mobile logo option
Added display fundraising only option
Added hide closed petition option
Fixed donation bugs
Fixed citation issue
Fixed intive co author email
Fixed redirection when click on submit petition
Fixed shop header
Fixed display vote citation when petition closed
Fixed donation number on shortcode
Integrated Polylang
Integrated WeDocs
Integrated Awesome Support
Integrated Job listing
Integrated SendinBlue API v3 upgrate
Integrated GTranslate
Redesign WooCommerce checkout page
v1.9.8 - 14 May, 2021
- Fixed donation sticky
- Fixed children theme style
- Fixed setup wizard conflict WooCommerce
- Hidden recaptcha badge
- Hidden category sidebar when it's not assign
- One donate form on all petition
- Slider similar petition
v1.9.7 - 01 Mar, 20201
- Added ads banner area
- Added show password icon
- Added all tab on search result page
- Fixed page layout issue
- Fixed facebook share without app id
v1.9.5 - 18 Feb, 2021
- Added option to hidden navigation on single petition.
- Fixed font name option
- Fixed header color buttons
- Update demo data
v1.9.4 - 16 Feb, 20201
- Fixed button color
v1.9.3 - Feb 9, 2021
- Update refux framework
- Update demo data
- Fixed spotlight section issue
v1.9.2 - Dec 28, 2020
- Bug fixes
- Added new Infinity demo
v1.9.1 - Dec 28, 2020
- Update demo
- Update WP Bakery
- Added petition redirection
v1.9.0 - Dec 11, 2020
- Added trending topics number options
- Fixed social button on sign success page
- Fixed embed button on single update page
- Fixed security issue base64
- Change thumbnail size
v1.8.9 - Dec 6, 2020
- Added crowdfunding campagins archive page
- Added crowdfunding shortcodes
- Added default sorting option
- Added donation category
- Added shortcode for single petition card
- Added option enable up a fundraise box only for specific petitions
- Added options submenu color
- Optimized code in shortcode
- Fixed embed button on single update page
- Fixed confirm email subject
- Intergrated with ACF allowed add custom field to petition
v1.8.8 - Nov 10, 2020
- Added option drag to order social buttons
- Added country selection on header menu
- Added confirm email to user when petition created
- Added option display condition text on mobile
- Added option to hide Join date on author
- Added disable remember login option
- Fixed bug on sign petition shortcode
- Fixed search bar style when header promo display
- Fixed sign confirm email for petition owner
- Fixed temporary signature not work on other session browser
- Improved signature confirm email template
v1.8.7 - Sep 15, 2020
- Added Email template for sending update to supporters
- Added gender, birtday, phone field option on registration
- Added header color background on homepage
- Fixed petition pending display
- Fixed incorrect time zone
- Fixed sign shortcode in petition content
- Update WP Bakery
v1.8.5 - Sep 02, 2020
- Fixed shortcode doesn't display on petition content
- Fixed bugs temporary signature
- Fixed SendinBlue connection
- Improved home link
v1.8.4 - Sep 01, 2020
- Added comment sort option
- Fixed duplicate custom amount donate
- Fixed menu on user dashboard
- Fixed bugs email notification
v1.8.3 - Aug 30, 2020
- Added auto detect link on add petition update
- Fixed email not sending
- Fixed stripe payment not working on Crowdfunding page
- Update demo data
v1.8.2 - Aug 22, 2020
- Fixed rtl style
- Fixed translation issue
- Update plugins files
v1.8.1 - Aug 19, 2020
- Fixed receiver name on letter section
- Fixed mobile menu on user dashboard
- Fixed image mobile on search results
- Fixed copyright on leftside mobile menu
v1.8.0 - Aug 16, 2020
- Compatible with WordPress 5.5.0
- Added setup wizard
- Added license key validation
- Added more options for user's gender field
- Added decision maker's indentify documents
- Added email template when petition owner add co-author
- Added email subject option
- Added general email template option
- Added email template for invite decision maker response
- Added custom heading template with variable
- Fixed bug on export signatures and anyone can be access
- Fixed bug on mpdf can't export pdf
- Fixed opt-in sendinblue
- Fixed Facebook avatar no display when user remove their avatar
- Fixed Facebook send button
- Fixed sign section not display on tablet
- Fixed and add share buttons
- Improved setting panel style
- Improved filter petition on mobbile
- Change sharing url on Sign share shortcode to current page
v1.7.4 - June 25, 2020
- Added cookie notice bar color options
- Fixed bugs on crowdfunding page
- Fixed bugs on submit crowdfunding level
- Fixed image name duplicate
- Fixed dimable not hide when click sign on prompt action
- Update demo data
- Update language files
v1.7.0 - June 11, 2020
- Added integrated auto load next post
- Added temporary signature when not verify
- Added head promo option
- Added cookie notice option and remove recommend cookie plugin
- Added country selection
- Added phone numbner field on shortcode
- Added Facebook sharing action on sign successfull.
- Fixed username not generate when sign
- Fixed add email sendinblue list when user unchecked receive update
- Fixed anonymouse supporter display on shortcode
- Fixed hidden sign section for victory petition
- Fixed check two field name missing last charector
- Update WP Bakery and other plugins
v1.6.7 - Apr 14, 2020
- Fixed letter spacing
- Fixed citation, update loading
- Fixed duplicate donation
v1.6.5 - Apr 9, 2020
- Added Fundraiding mode
- Added Visitors and Views analytics charts
- Added Fundraising step on submit petition page
- Added show all sign share donate section option
- Added show all decisiton makers name option
- Added time range option on charts
- Fixed Google Sigin
- Fixed citation loading
- Fixed Google recaptcha
- Fixed styling
- Fixed small bugs
v1.6.0 - Feb 20, 2020
- Add citation opinion feature
- Add prompt action
- Add hidden receiver step option
- Add citation instantly option
- Add Researcher profile type
- Add progress bar below thumbnail option
- Add mobile sign options
- Fixed update checker
- Fixed bugs
v1.5.5 - Jan 14, 2020
- Fixed mobile menu on right to left mode
- Fix two input on sign share short code
- Hidden old password input when password is temporary
v1.5.4 - Dec 30, 2019
- Fixed widget plugin territory
- Fixed translation issues
v1.5.3 - Dec 30, 2019
- Fixed toast rtl mode
v1.5.1 - Dec 29, 2019
- Add twitter username option
- Fixed twitter sharing meta image
v1.5.0 - Dec 28, 2019
- Added notification toast
- Change verify notification style
- Update semantic ui
v1.4.10 - Dec 27, 2019
- Added option choose username field and repeat password on sign up form
- Added option to disable sign up with modal style
- Fixed CSV export option not working
- Fixed not sign in while completed sign up when enable verify email
- Fixed small bugs
v1.4.9 - Dec 5, 2019
- Fixed redirect link after sign
Sep 3, 2020
Mar 6, 2020agenciaplanner PurchasedRating:bad and time-consuming support. The theme is almost perfect, it has some bugs but it works almost 99%.
Feb 2, 2020
Dec 24, 2018fanoososerat PurchasedRating:
Dec 9, 2018Mohammad56 PurchasedRating:This platform is very nice and work very good. I am using this platform without problem. There were som small problem, but supporter solved it fast.
Other items by this author
Category | Themes / WordPress / Miscellaneous |
First release | 5 February 2017 |
Last update | 18 April 2024 |
HTML/CSS Framework | Semantic UI |
Supported CMS | WordPress 5.0, WooCommerce 6.x, WordPress 5.8, WordPress 5.9 |
Files included | .php, .css, .html, .xml, Javascript .js |
JavaScript Framework | jQuery |
Tags | foundation, non-profit, campaign, signature, fundraising, donations |