Groups Tracking Plugin for WordPressGroups Tracking Plugin for WordPress
A plugin to track groups at real time on the global map.
Groups Tracking Plugin for WordPress
A plugin to track groups at real time on the global map.
demo url:
You must log in to use this demo website:
Another demo website that does not need you to log in:
This plugin can track groups on the global map at real time. It will
real time show each memeber's location and name on the global map. You
need to travel in groups and real time track each other's location on
the map? You need to real time monitor your city buses or company
trucks' location on the map? You need to real time monitor your
company's mobile devices' location? This website can do it for you. No
need to install any software, hardware or equipment on your truck, car,
computer or cell phone. If you do not open this website, you will not be
tracked. When you want to do groups tracking, just use a computer or
cell phone's browser to go to this website and choose a group. It's that
simple! It can be a one-time use. It can also be used as a backup when
your truck or car's GPS device is broken. You can also mirror your
iPhone & Android onto Apple CarPlay for group tracking. After plugin
activation, go to the "Settings" menu to find the plugin admin page. By
default, when you activate this plugin, it will automatically create a
landing page for you. For some themes, if it does not automatically
create a landing page for you, add this plugin root folder
template-groupstracking.php file to your template folder. For example,
if you are using theme twentytwenty, then add the
template-groupstracking.php file to this folder:
WordPresswp-contentthemestwentytwentytemplates. Then you can create a
new page ( not a new post ) using this template. When you use the
template method to create a new landing page, do not set the page title
to "groupstracking". If you set the page title to "groupstracking", it
could conflict with the page automatically created when you activate
this plugin. Please read the documents in the "Documents" tab before
using this software.
Groups tracking using a browser has some advantages over other GPS
equipment tracking systems. User can close the browser to finish the
tracking. This is very important because sometimes it is prohibited to
track employees outside of work hours. Some other GPS equipment tracking
systems need to install some GPS tracking equipment on the vehicle. So
employees are tracked outside of work hours, which is prohibited in some
Privacy notice: By using this website, you allow this website to use
your approximate or exact location, and you agree that your current
approximate or exact location can be shown on the global map on this
page and seen by others. We use third party free map services provider
MapLibre's map services. If you have any questions about the map
services, please contact MapLibre. Here is MapLibre's website:
https://maplibre.org/. This website also uses Google Analytics to
collect info.
You also need to download the redis server and install to your web
hosting server, go to
If your web server is Windows, you can also download the redis from
https://github.com/MicrosoftArchive/redis/releases. Note that it
officially support the 64-bit version only. In Windows, the command to
start the redis server is the redis-server.exe file path. For example,
C:Program FilesRedisredis-server.exe. In Linux: sudo systemctl enable
redis-server && sudo systemctl start redis-server. In macOS:
Company website:
1. Track several groups at the same time at real time on the global map. No need to install any software, hardware or equipment on your truck, car, computer or cell phone. When you want to do groups tracking, just use a computer or cell phone's browser to go to this website and choose a group. It's that simple!
2. You do NOT need to buy any GPS tracking devices. If you already installed GPS tracking devices on your trucks or cars, this plugin can be a backup when those GPS tracking devices are broken.
3. You can track the approximate or exact location. Just change the constant values for FUZZ_LOCATION_MAX_LENGTH_KM_LONGITUDE and FUZZ_LOCATION_MAX_LENGTH_KM_LATITUDE.
4. If you do not open this website, you will not be tracked. This can protect your privacy. Groups tracking using a browser has some advantages over other GPS equipment tracking systems. User can close the browser to finish the tracking. This is very important because sometimes it is prohibited to track employees outside of work hours. Some other GPS equipment tracking systems need to install some GPS tracking equipment on the vehicle. So employees are tracked outside of work hours, which is prohibited in some countries.
PHP, a WordPress website. Redis server, it's free to download.
Copy the folder to your wp-content/plugins folder. See the pdf document
in the plugin's root folder for instructions: documentation_groupstracking.pdf
Other items by this author
Category | Plugins / WordPress / Miscellaneous |
First release | 23 November 2024 |
Last update | 4 December 2024 |
Supported CMS | WordPress 4.3, WordPress 4.7, WordPress 5.8, WordPress 6.2, WordPress 6.6 |
Files included | .php, .css, .html, .sql, Javascript .js |
Tags | php, wordpress, jquery, plugin, tracking, map, Group, redis, openstreet, maplibre |