Daily Timesheet Management System WordPress PluginDaily Timesheet Management System WordPress Plugin
A daily timesheet plugin to create/update/export employee's timesheet records.
Daily Timesheet Management System WordPress Plugin
A daily timesheet plugin to create/update/export employee's timesheet records.
Every company needs a timesheet to record employee’s work hours. This website can do it for you. Creating a DAILY timesheet has never been so easy! It uses jQuery “Drag, Drop and Sort” feature to let you drag an item from a list, then drop to your compose area, then sort them if you want. You can also delete an item.
1. for users, there is a mobile friendly create/edit/delete timesheet page.
2. for managers, there is a review associates' timesheets page.
3. You can export timesheet report in excel format.
This website has access restriction feature. You can give access to an employee to read/create/edit/delete in the admin setting page.
This website is responsive design. You can use it from your cellphone, iPad, Notepad. Then the layout will change accordingly.
After plugin activation, go to the "Settings" menu to find the plugin admin page. By default, when you activate this plugin, it will automatically create a time sheet landing page for you. For some themes, if it does not automatically create a time sheet landing page for you, add this plugin root folder template-dragontimesheet.php file to your template folder. For example, if you are using theme twentytwenty, then add the template-dragontimesheet.php file to this folder: wordpresswp-contentthemestwentytwentytemplates. Then you can create a new page (not a new post) using this template. When you use the template method to create a new landing page, do not set the page title to "timesheet". If you set the page title to "timesheet", it could conflict with the page automatically created when you activate this plugin.
The source code was last updated on 2023-06-22. If you bought this product before that time, please download the product again to get the latest version. You need to delete your old stored procedures and re-install stored procedures. Just go to WordPress admin setting page and go to "Re-create tables" tab to click button "Recreate all the stored procedures".
Documentation file is inside the source code root folder with the name documentation_dragontimesheet.pdf Please follow the file to install this plugin.
Demo URL:
website log in:
Donate URL link:
This version is for DAILY timesheet. If you want the MONTHLY timesheet input, please check another item being sold on codester:
Company website:
If you have any questions, please email [email protected]
Responsive design. You can create a timesheet from cellphone.
Access pages based on your role. Managers review and approve your timesheet.
Managers can review associates' timesheets.
Admin role can change settings and export timesheets as excel files.
Constant value can be changed by admin. The web application's constants can be changed by changing the constant values.
PHP, a WordPress website
Copy the folder to your wp-content/plugins folder. See the pdf document in the files folder for instructions: documentation_dragontimesheet.pdf
Other items by this author
Category | Plugins / WordPress / Miscellaneous |
First release | 24 May 2020 |
Last update | 22 July 2024 |
Supported CMS | WordPress 4.6, WordPress 4.7, WordPress 4.8, WordPress 4.9, WordPress 5.0 |
Files included | .php, .css, .html, .sql, Javascript .js |
Tags | html, daily, php, wordpress, jquery, css, Javascript, plugin, timesheet |