HotelPro - Flutter Template UI KitHotelPro - Flutter Template UI Kit
HotelPro - UI Kits Template Flutter v.2.10 with GetX | Lottie Animation
HotelPro - Flutter Template UI Kit
HotelPro - UI Kits Template Flutter v.2.10 with GetX | Lottie Animation
HotelPro - Flutter Template UI Kits Apps.
Hotel Booking Concept UI Kits Template Flutter v.3.10.6 with GetX, Lottie Animation, 99% StatelessWidget, Dual Theme Mode. Bonus WebLanding Page HTML
Update Version v.098
Compatible with Flutter v.3.10.6, Dart v. 3.0.6, Bonus WebLanding Page HTML, Improve Flutter Source Code, Documentation Revised, Improve Performance
Lite, smooth state management. Clean Code. Almost 99% is StatelessWidget. Required GetX Plugins Flutter. Over 40 more screens for hotel booking concept.
Saved Ton hours development.
Inspired by https://dribbble.com/shots/14125538-Travel-App-Concept
Running well both Android & iOS.
1. SplashScreen with Lottie Animation
2. Login Page/Welcome Page, Apple Login, Google Login, Facebook Login
3. Home with animation widget, category, handpick hotel list by city etc..
4. Near Me, all hotel or city around you widget, smooth animation widget
5. My Post, stories of your trip at the hotel, create post, describe your review etc.
6. Profile, user management, with Photo Profile, Logout, Update Profile, your favorite and last visited by you.
7. Amazing Search page, filter, location, nice widget etc..
8. Category hotel page, smooth, lite, animation and all clickable to detail hotel screen.
9. Compatible with Flutter The Latest One
HotelPro Apps is one of the best flutter apps UI, simply, lite, and has more than 40+ screens UI.
Demo Youtube Video:
"We do not offer refund, please check and double cross check all details apps before buy."
August, 01, 2023 - Update v. 0.9.8 - Compatible Flutter v.3.10.6 - Dart version v. 3.0.6 - Free WebLanding Page HTML - Flutter Source Code Revised - Documentation Revised March, 18, 2023 - Update v. 0.9.7 - Compatible Flutter v.3.7.7 - Dart version v. 2.19.4 - Flutter Source Code Revised - Documentation Revised Sept, 21, 2022 - Update v. 0.9.5 - Compatible Flutter v.3.3.2 - Dart version v. 2.18.1 - Flutter Source Code Revised - Documentation Revised 03 March 2022 * Update v. 0.9.4 * Compatible with Flutter v.2.10 * Improve Flutter Source Code * Documentation Revised. * Improve Performance
1. SplashScreen with Lottie Animation
2. Login Page/Welcome Page, Apple Login, Google Login, Facebook Login
3. Home with animation widget, category, handpick hotel list by city etc..
4. Near Me, all hotel or city around you widget, smooth animation widget
5. My Post, stories of your trip at the hotel, create post, describe your review etc.
6. Profile, user management, with Photo Profile, Logout, Update Profile, your favorite and last visited by you.
7. Amazing Search page, filter, location, nice widget etc..
8. Category hotel page, smooth, lite, animation and all clickable to detail hotel screen.
9. Compatible with Flutter v.2.10
1. Visual Studio Code
2. Android SDK
3. Xcode iOS
4. Flutter Framework
## Getting Started
This project is a starting point for a Flutter application.
A few resources to get you started if this is your first Flutter project:
- [Lab: Write your first Flutter app](https://flutter.dev/docs/get-started/codelab)
- [Cookbook: Useful Flutter samples](https://flutter.dev/docs/cookbook)
For help getting started with Flutter, view our
[online documentation](https://flutter.dev/docs), which offers tutorials,
samples, guidance on mobile development, and a full API reference.
Extract zip file All_FullSource_HotelPro_094.zip.
Open VS code Editor and Read the documentation carefully.
Other items by this author
Category | App Templates / Flutter / UI Kits |
First release | 7 October 2020 |
Last update | 3 August 2023 |
Operating Systems | iOS 10.0, iOS 11.0, Android 9.0, iOS 12.0, Android 10.0, iOS 14.0, iOS 13.0, iOS 15.0, Android 11.0, Android 12.0 |
Files included | .swift, .apk, .java |
Tags | android, iOS, booking, hotel, flutter, hotelpro |