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Gaari - Taxi Booking Flutter App UI KitGaari - Taxi Booking Flutter App UI Kit
Uber Clone Taxi Booking UI Template with Flutter with 75+ screens, clean code easy to use

Home / App Templates / Flutter / UI Kits

Gaari - Taxi Booking Flutter App UI Kit
Uber Clone Taxi Booking UI Template with Flutter with 75+ screens, clean code easy to use

Gaari Uber clone - Taxi App developed by Flutter. It contains 75+ Screens with a different type of UI. It uses the Google Map Flutter plugin to find locations and get directions on the map, Easy to integrate with the backend
- 75+ Screens
- 100+ Hours
- Location Picker
- Authentication UIs
- Payment UI
- +Â More
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- 75+ Screens
- 100+ Hours
- Location Picker
- Authentication UIs
- Payment UI
- +Â More
- Install Visual Studio Code
- Install Xcode
- Install Android Studio with the latest Android SDK, Android SDK Platform Tools, and Android SDK Build Tools
- Install the latest Flutter SDK
- Install the latest Dart SDK
Note: Android Studio is not required if using Visual Studio Code
Using Visual Studio Code:
- Open Project in Visual Studio Code from File -> Open (Select project folder)
- Open pubspec.yaml file which is located in root directory, and click Get Packages
- Now, it’s ready to run the project
Using Android Studio:
- Open Project in Android Studio from Open an existing Android Studio project
- If the device is not shown in the Flutter Device Selection dropdown, go to File -> Project Structure
- Structure and select the latest Project SDK e.g. Android API 28 Platform
- Open pubspec.yaml file which is located in the root directory, and click Packages get
- Now, it’s ready to run the project
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Category | App Templates / Flutter / UI Kits |
First release | 23 August 2022 |
Last update | 5 September 2022 |
Tags | taxi, uber clone, full taxi, full taxi solution, lyft clone, taxi solution |