Theaterify - Flutter App TemplateTheaterify - Flutter App Template
Theaterify - Movie Flutter Full App with API Backend | Frontend Web | Admob | GetX | TMDB
Theaterify - Flutter App Template
Theaterify - Movie Flutter Full App with API Backend | Frontend Web | Admob | GetX | TMDB
Theaterify – Flutter Movie Apps, for Movie Lover, Trailer, Now Playing & Upcoming Movies, TV Show and the latest movie. Admob Google Implemented, Bonus WebLanding Page HTML
Update v.1.2.3
Compatible Flutter v.3.16.5, Dart v. 3.2.3, Improve Flutter Code
a. Technology Stack
1. GetX State Management
2. Get Storage, Google Font
3. Firebase Messaging,Push Notification
4. Broadcast to all user with Push FCM
5. Youtube Video Player
6. Integrated with themoviedb.org
7. Dark & Light Theme
8. The latest Flutter Ready
b. Features
1. Beautiful Intro Screen
2. 4 Tabs screen, Home, Favorite, TV Show, Profile, Setting
3. Pretty Awesome Bottom Navigation (ConvexAppBar)
4. Explorer the with many categories
5. Now Playing, Trending, Top Rated, Upcoming, Popular
6. Scroll Sliverapp Elegant & Modern Detail Movie Screen
7. Youtube Video Trailer Movie Player
8. TV Show with Popular, On The Air and TopRated
9. Notification created by FCM, Firebase Console
10. All data movie & tv show integrated with TheMovieDB.org
11. Dark & Light Theme
12. Account Screen is a Template
13. Free lifetime for update version
c. Backend API PHP + CodeIgniter v3
1. Management User Install
2. with MySQL Database for show you how many user installed
3. Easy for customize with other platform CMS/Backend platform
"We do not offer refund, please check and double cross check all detailed apps before buy."
Contact us
d. Minimum Requirements
1. Flutter Framework (https://flutter.dev)
2. Server, Hosting, Domain with SSL Support (https)
3. PHP, MySQL, PHPMyAdmin, support API JSON + PHP
4. Firebase Account Console Developer
5. Visual Studio Code
6. Code Igniter v.3x with PHP v 7
7. Follow instruction in Technical Documentation.
8. A Brain to Think

10 Jan, 2024 - Update v.1.2.3 - Compatible Flutter v. 3.16.5 - Compatible Dart v.3.2.3 - Improve Flutter Code - Update Documentation - Improve Performance 23 Aug, 2023 - Update v.1.0.8 - AdMob Google Implemented - Free WebLanding Page (HTML) - Improve Flutter Code - Update Documentation - Improve Performance 31 Jul, 2023 - Update v.1.0.7 - Compatible with Flutter v.3.10.6 - Dart v.3.0.6 - Free WebLanding Page (HTML) - Improve Flutter Code - Update Documentation - Improve Performance 17 Mar, 2023 - Update v.1.0.6 - Compatible with Flutter v.3.7.7 - Dart v.2.19.4 - Improve Flutter Code - Update Documentation - Improve Performance 25 Jul, 2022 - Update v.1.0.5 - Compatible with Flutter v.3x - Improve Flutter Code - Update Documentation - Improve Performance 04 Apr, 2022 - Update v.1.0.4 - Compatible with Flutter v.2.10x - Improve Flutter Code - Improve Documentation - Improve Performance 10 Feb, 2022 - Update v.1.0.3 - Compatible with Flutter v. 2.8 - Improve Flutter Code - Improve Documentation - Improve Performance
b. Features
1. Beautiful Intro Screen
2. 4 Tabs screen, Home, Favorite, TV Show, Profile, Setting
3. Pretty Awesome Bottom Navigation (ConvexAppBar)
4. Explorer the with many categories
5. Now Playing, Trending, Top Rated, Upcoming, Popular
6. Scroll Sliverapp Elegant & Modern Detail Movie Screen
7. Youtube Video Trailer Movie Player
8. TV Show with Popular, On The Air and TopRated
9. Notification created by FCM, Firebase Console
10. All data movie & tv show integrated with TheMovieDB.org
11. Dark & Light Theme
12. Account Screen is a Template
13. Free lifetime for update version
1. Visual Studio Code
2. Android SDK
3. Xcode iOS
4. Flutter Framework
## Getting Started
This project is a starting point for a Flutter application.
A few resources to get you started if this is your first Flutter project:
- [Lab: Write your first Flutter app](https://flutter.dev/docs/get-started/codelab)
- [Cookbook: Useful Flutter samples](https://flutter.dev/docs/cookbook)
For help getting started with Flutter, view our
[online documentation](https://flutter.dev/docs), which offers tutorials,
samples, guidance on mobile development, and a full API reference.
Framework Flutter
## API integrated with https://www.themoviedb.org/
Free Registration:Â https://developers.themoviedb.org/
Get your API KEY (API Version 3)
Replace config API KEY themoviedb.org (File lib/util/api_client.dart -- line 11)
Run command:
flutter pub get
flutter clean
flutter run
Work both Android &Â iOS
Read documentationÂ
File:Â Documentation_Theaterify.md
Other items by this author
Flutter App Reskin Service
Have your App reskinned to meet your needs.
$499 | Buy now |
Category | App Templates / Flutter / Full Applications |
First release | 23 September 2020 |
Last update | 10 January 2024 |
Operating Systems | Android 7.0, Android 8.0, iOS 11.0, Android 9.0, iOS 12.0, Android 10.0, iOS 14.0, iOS 13.0, iOS 15.0, Android 11.0, Android 12.0, Android 6.0 |
Files included | .swift, .apk, .java |
Tags | android, iOS, cinema, movie, theater, flutter |