Home / App Templates / Android / Applications / Webview

WebApp - Premium Android Webview App TemplateWebApp - Premium Android Webview App Template
Convert any website into a native Android app using Webview.

Home / App Templates / Android / Applications / Webview

WebApp - Premium Android Webview App Template
Convert any website into a native Android app using Webview.

22 Support questions or comments
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Jul 22, 2016Is it possible to use in Android Studio 2.2 ?
and, Is it possible to use in Firebase ?
https://firebase.google.com/ - View 1 more reply
Jul 22, 2016its posible to use ini eclips
Jul 22, 2016Nextlab AuthorYou can use nearly any Android Studio in Eclipse, but you will have to migrate the project to Eclipse first. There any many tutorials how to do so. We do recommend keeping the project in Android Studio.
Jul 22, 2016Nextlab AuthorJust follow this tutorial to migrate to Eclipse: http://www.nodeclipse.org/projects/gradle/android/Importing-from-Android-Studio-into-Eclipse
May 12, 2016hi, my website has an option of uploading and downloading pdf, images and word docs, does this template provide such functions? I have been having a problem with this option and I want to know if this one works well.
May 12, 2016Nextlab AuthorThe template has the same restrictions as when using your primary browser on your mobile device when it comes to downloading and uploading. If that works, it will work with this template.
Category | App Templates / Android / Applications / Webview |
First release | 5 May 2016 |
Last update | 5 May 2016 |
Operating Systems | Android 4.0, Android 5.0, Android 6.0 |
Tags | template, android, app, Webview, convert, convert website to app |