Home / App Templates / Android / Applications / Webview

WebApp - Premium Android Webview App TemplateWebApp - Premium Android Webview App Template
Convert any website into a native Android app using Webview.

Home / App Templates / Android / Applications / Webview

WebApp - Premium Android Webview App Template
Convert any website into a native Android app using Webview.

22 Support questions or comments
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Dec 11, 2016Hi I was wondering if I can still get the free download if I share this on facebook? If so, where would I find the link?
Thx - View 1 more reply
Dec 13, 2016Ok. One last question before the purchase. How easy is it for a novice to upload in the google play store. I have never done this before. It looks really good. I need that> Good work. Thanks Nextlab.
Dec 13, 2016Nextlab AuthorI would recommend to first download Android Studio and download some free examples. Or check some tutorials how to build an app in Android Studio.
WebApp is a very easy template to use, but it does require some basic knowledge of Android Studio. -
Jan 17, 2017Nextlab AuthorYou are lucky, WebApp is free as free file of the week this time!
Nov 24, 2016i download the files and make all steps on the doc files
when i click compile i get error androidmanifest.xml not found ! - View 6 more replies
Nov 24, 2016Nextlab AuthorThat is no problem
I do think you should check if you have setup Android Studio Correctly.
There are many guides out there. -
Nov 24, 2016what should i do " cannot start compilation : the output path in not specified for module " androidstudio" specify the output path in configure project "
i click ok then open window
sources / paths
use modile compile out path .. and directory
inherit project compile outpath
what i select ? -
Nov 24, 2016Nextlab AuthorJust get yourself some guides about the basics of Android Studio.
Start with compiling a basic project and then give WebApp a try.
Nov 19, 2016Hi, I am trying to access my Framework 7 webpage using your WebView application but it show blank page while when i put any another url like (google.com) it's work fine any advice please.
Nov 21, 2016Nextlab AuthorDoes your website work in an iFrame?
Nov 17, 2016possible android 2.2 ?
can i see sample app android this source code? -
Nov 17, 2016Nextlab AuthorIt's free file of the month.. just download it and have fun
Nov 9, 2016Nextlab AuthorWe would like love to hear your feedback.
Please let us know in the forums: https://www.codester.com/forum/topic/78/webapp-premium-android-webview-app-template
- View 3 more replies
Nov 11, 2016Nextlab AuthorDon't have any plans to create a tutorial video.
The current documentation covers everything you need to get started with the template. -
Nov 11, 2016not work
Nov 14, 2016Nextlab AuthorCould you be more precise?
Nov 7, 2016can add push notification service into app ?
Nov 8, 2016Nextlab AuthorWe are going to add push notification with PHP panel in the future, but this is not short term.
Nov 8, 2016thnk you
Nov 7, 2016Where is the option to get this for free. It's asking for payment of $19.
Nov 7, 2016Got it. Had to click share on Facebook or Twitter then free download opened.
Nov 8, 2016Nextlab AuthorIt's free, but requires a share. Many thanks for sharing. Have fun!
Nov 3, 2016Hello netlab team,
I had bought your app by accidentally, It presented on site like free for month and I make it click on that suddenly i got charged.
so help to out this.
Eins tech -
Nov 3, 2016Nextlab AuthorWe will contact Codester and see what we can do
Nov 3, 2016thank you Nextlab
Nov 3, 2016Nextlab AuthorYou are welcome
Aug 3, 2016Hi
Can we use this on prestashop and how do we do.Please support -
Aug 4, 2016Nextlab AuthorYou can use Webapp on any website that has a responsive design including PrestaShop. Be sure to test if your website is responsive before purchase.
Jul 22, 2016No demo?
Jul 22, 2016Nextlab AuthorNo, not at the moment. Except for the side en top menu there is not much extra to see as it takes any responsive website and uses that to create an app. You can use an external URL or you include HTML files in your app.
Jul 22, 2016Nextlab AuthorIf the app does not run as it should, we will refund your purchase.
Category | App Templates / Android / Applications / Webview |
First release | 5 May 2016 |
Last update | 5 May 2016 |
Operating Systems | Android 4.0, Android 5.0, Android 6.0 |
Tags | template, android, app, Webview, convert, convert website to app |