Home / App Templates / Flutter / UI Kits

Gaminf - Flutter UI KitGaminf - Flutter UI Kit
This application was built with Flutter/Dart and the Android Studio IDEHome / App Templates / Flutter / UI Kits

Gaminf - Flutter UI Kit
This application was built with Flutter/Dart and the Android Studio IDE
This application was built with Flutter/Dart and the Android Studio IDE
The user can search for his favorite games and read the description of this games
This project is in order to help people to see their favorite games where they can read the description of the game and the manufacture.
Easy to link with the database.
- Login screen
- Signup screen
- Home screen
- Search screen
- Detail screen
- Player screen
- Bookmark screen
- Profile screen
- Internet
- Android Studio or VS Code
- Flutter SDK
- Android SDK
- Unzip AudioBook zip folder
- Open AudioBook folder with Android Studio or VS Code
Execute these commands
flutter clean
flutter pub get
flutter run (your device / emulator)
Other items by this author
Category | App Templates / Flutter / UI Kits |
First release | 7 October 2021 |
Last update | 7 October 2021 |
Operating Systems | iOS 10.0, Android 7.0, Android 8.0, iOS 11.0, Android 9.0, iOS 12.0, Android 10.0, iOS 14.0, iOS 13.0, iOS 15.0, Android 11.0, Android 12.0, iOS 8.0, iOS 9.0, Android 5.0, Android 6.0 |
Tags | android, iOS, photo, game, news, money, new, UI, kit, rate, flutter |