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Facturation System Made With WinForm C# And MySqlFacturation System Made With WinForm C# And MySql
A Facturation System made With WinForm C# and MySqlHome / Scripts & Code / C#

Facturation System Made With WinForm C# And MySql
A Facturation System made With WinForm C# and MySql
A Facturation System made with to provide the client the best System with an Attractive and Modern Form
- Modern System
- Good Presentation
- Login anti Vacune
- ReportĀ
- Organization to be more Attractive
Visual Sudio FrameWork
MySql Server
1. Unzip the .zipĀ
2.Import the 'maestroclie' database to MySQL
3.Open the Code in Visual Studio FrameWork Main Opened "Sistema Facturacion".
4.Go to ConexionDB and change Uid and pass to your MySql gave
5.Start the Application the login admin is in a note with these password.
6.Go ahead.