Matrix MLM 3x3 - Autofill User2User Donation PlanMatrix MLM 3x3 - Autofill User2User Donation Plan
A Powerful CMS Which Provides A Platform to Manage Your Matrix MLM Network

Matrix MLM 3x3 - Autofill User2User Donation Plan
A Powerful CMS Which Provides A Platform to Manage Your Matrix MLM Network

matrix mlm software is a web application developed using ASP.NET and C-Sharp. this software is based on network marketing which is known as 'mlm'. this software is non-product based helping/donation plan which is known as 'forced mlm', 'auto pull mlm', 'auto income mlm', 'auto leg mlm', 'ladder mlm', 'compensation mlm' and etc in which members are organized in a particular width and depth like to pyramid. in this matrix plan the width and depth is limited as requirements. in this matrix plan member needs to join to become as agents and then agents will invite (using own agent id and received referals bonus/profits) to other members and new members will be positioning under any agents as downline members. in this matrix mlm plan members will earns profits/bonus till limited level and also earns referals profit/bonus with no-limit.
Software Plan Description:
this matrix mlm has based on non-product helping/donation plan in which a member need to join to become as agent and a agent can refer unlimited members to join and earns no-limits referals profits/bonus upto lifetime. new members will be positioning under any agents as downline members and become agents after approvals by sending helping/donation amount to parent agents. in this matrix plan each agents can have upto/maximum 3 depth downline and each downline agents can also have upto/maximum 3 depth downline based on 3*3 matrix mlm. in this matrix mlm agents can earns downline helping/donations amounts till 4th level and no-limit for referal earnings.
admin login id : MLM10001,
admin password : zxc123
software demo-url : click here to for demo link
Earnings Plan Descriptions:
1. when agents on level-1, they received 03 helping/donation amounts (profits) from new members.
2. when agents on level-2, they received 09 updrage helping/donation amounts (profits) from level-1 agents.
3. when agents on level-3, they received 27 updrage helping/donation amounts (profits) from level-2 agents.
4. when agents on level-4, they received 81 updrage helping/donation amounts (profits) from level-3 agents.
5. when agents on any level, they can referal unlimited new members and can earns no-limit referal helping/donation amounts (profits).
Deductions Plan Descriptions:
0. new members need to join to become agents using any agents sponcer id.
1. new members become level-1 agents after approvals of parents agents and sponcer agents by sending helping/donation amount.
2. when level-1 agents crossed level-1 limits for upto/maximum 03-depth downline-1, then they need to upgrade his id for level-2.
3. when level-2 agents crossed level-2 limits for upto/maximum 09-depth downline-2, then they need to upgrade his id for level-3.
4. when level-3 agents crossed level-3 limits for upto/maximum 27-depth downline-3, then they need to upgrade his id for level-4.
5. when level-4 agents crossed level-4 limits for upto/maximum 81-depth downline-4, then they no-need to upgrade his id (earnings closed).
Main Website Descriptions:
1. Welcome Page.
2. Plan Descriptions.
3. Live Status of Agents.
4. Fraud and Fake Users.
5. Latest News and Updates.
6. Login, Registration and Password Reset.
Admin Control Panel Descriptions:
1. Each Level Agents.
2. Each Level Earnings (Paid and Unpaid).
3. Total Referal Earnings (Paid and Unpaid).
4. Update Profile Details, Bank Details, Payments Details, Passwords, Batches (Trusted or Fraud) of Each Agents.
5. Approve Downline/Upgrade/Referal Invoice/Slips of Each Agents.
6. View Profile Details, Payments Details, Passwords, Genealogy, Downlines, Paid and Unpaid Slips and Invoices of Each Agents.
7. Manage News and Feedback.
8. Each of Agents Control Panel.
Agents Control Panel Descriptions:
1. Collection of Referal Amounts.
2. Collection of Each Level Amounts.
3. Total Invoice Paid and Unpaid.
4. Approve Downlines/Upgrade/Referal Invoice.
5. Genealogy, Profile Details and Payments Details.
6. Post Feedback.
7. Change Password
8. Own Profile Details
- Bootstrap 3.x Used (Open Source)
- Admin LTE 2.x Used (Open Source)
- DateTimeControl Function included Free worth $10
- Unlimited Accounts Registration
- Refer Unlimited Members
- Powerful Admin Control Panel
- Powerful Agents Control Panel
- Earning System from Downlines, Upgrades, Referals
- Time Limits to Accept Payments on Each Levels
- Genealogy Reports Views and Feedback
- Autometic Notification for Pending Invoices
- Autometic Notification for Pending Payments
- Advanced Controls in Projects to Make Easy Actions
- Batch Stickers from System for Trusted, Fraud, Etc
- Due's Must be Clear to Accepts Next Payments
- Admin Can also Approve the Payments of Parents & Sponcers
- Edit Profile, Bank Details, Payments Details and Change Password
- News, Live Status, Fraud List and Untrusted List on Homepage
- Plan Description on Homepage with Instructions.
- 100% Easy and Secure Installation and Activations.
- Windows Hosting
- MSSQLÂ (Microsoft SQL)Â Database
- Purchase Code from Codester.Com
- Download Code and Upload on Windows Hosting in httpdoc or domain path
- Now Extract the Source Code
- Now Create Database of MSSQL v12
- After Creating Database, Import Database File of MatrixMLM 3X3
- You Can Select file from Your Device or From Server where You Uploaded Code
- After Import Success of Database, Return to Filemanager Location
- Now Open Folder App_Code > SiteConfiguration
- Now Edit DatabaseConfiguration.cs and Update Database Details of MSSQL
- Now Edit SiteConfiguration.cs and Update Details for Site and Configurations
- Update MLM Plan in SiteConfiguration.cs
- Update Admin Details in SiteConfiguration.cs
- Now Visit on YourDomain
- Now Login using Username: admin, Password: admin
- After Login, Click on Database Manage in Left Menu and Click on Reset Data
- Enter Admin Password and Confirm RESET and Click on RESET DATABASE
- Database Reset is Successful and Installation of Matrix MLM is Completed.
Your New Admin Login Details
Admin Username: (UIDPrefix)1001
Admin Password: Default Password
Lets Find How? Open SiteConfiguration.cs
Admin Username: MLM1001
Admin Password: zx123
3 months ago
Mar 11, 2019rahul995411 PurchasedRating:the cms is very good and responsive.And the support system is outstanding.
Other items by this author
Category | Scripts & Code / C# |
First release | 15 February 2019 |
Last update | 18 March 2019 |
HTML/CSS Framework | Bootstrap |
Files included | .aspx, .css, .sql, .cs, .dll, Javascript .js |
Software version | .NET 4.5, .NET 3.5, .NET 4.0, .NET 4.6 |
JavaScript Framework | jQuery |
Tags | Matrix MLM Software, mlm software, mlm cms, mlm code, matrix mlm cms, auto mlm |