Advance User ManagementAdvance User Management
User management easily manage user and role-based authentication and authorization

Advance User Management
User management easily manage user and role-based authentication and authorization

User management is developed in .Net 5 and Angular, which allows you to easily manage user and role-based authentication and authorization. If you want to start a new project, it would be a perfect solution because it develops based on enterprise level standards for both .Net 5 and Angular 11. User Management also comes with a fully documented JSON API, allowing you to easily authenticate users from your mobile (or any other) application.
- Role-Based Authentication.
- Individual User Based Authentication.
- User management.
- Role Management.
- Social Media Login (Facebook and Google)
- View Real-Time Online User
- View REST API and Angular Logs
- Front-end (Angular).
- Angular 11
- Angular Material 11
- Bootstrap 4
- Ngrx Data
- SignalR (@microsoft/signalr)
- Multilingual (@ngx-translate/core)
- Toastr
- Social Media Login (angularx-social-login)
- Rich Text Editor (ngx-editor)
- REST API In .Net 5
- .Net 5
- Entity framework core 5.0.4
- Mediatr 9.0.0
- NLog 7.4.9
- Automapper 10.1.1
- FluentValidation 9.5.3
- Swagger API(Swashbuckle.AspNetCore 6.1.1)
Installation steps
- Open solution file UserManagement.sln from .Net core folder into visual studio 2019.
- Right click on solution explorer and Restore nuget packages.
- Change database connection string in appsettings.Development.json in UserManagement.API project.
- Open package manager console from visual studio menu --> Tools --> nuget Package Manager --> Package Manager Console
- In package manager console, Select default project as UserManagement.Domain
- Run Update-Database command in package manager console which create database and insert intial data.
- From Solution Explorer, Right click on UserManagement.API project and click on Set as Startup Project from menu.
- To run project Press F5.
Angular Installation
Although User Management can be run without any development experience, it would be much easier if you already have some experience. The following instructions allow you to run a local copy on your machine.
Install tools
If you have not yet installed nodejs, please Download and globally install nodejs : https://nodejs.org
Note: download Recommended For Most Users version
A detailed instruction on how to install NodeJS is available here.
Note: Make sure you have Node version >= 4.0 and NPM >= 3 . Also globally installed typescript.
Installing Angular-CLI globally is as simple as running this simple command: npm install -g @angular/cli
After the tools is installed, go inside of the Angular directory and run below command to install dependencies:
Run npm install
to install node dependencies defined in package.json.
Running local copy
To run a local copy in development mode, replace REST API URI (apiUrl) variable in environment file inside src --> environments -->environment.ts
execute ng serve
and go to http://localhost:4200 in your browser.
To run the local copy in production mode and build the sources, execute ng build --prod
. This will builds a production version of the application. All html,css and js code is minified and put to dist folder. The contents of this folder you can to put to your production server when publishing the application.
For Social Media Login
To Allow Social media login, please change Environment variables(googleAppId,facebookAppId) into your src --> environments -->environment.ts
Category | Scripts & Code / C# |
First release | 9 May 2021 |
Last update | 9 May 2021 |
HTML/CSS Framework | Bootstrap |
Software framework | Angular |
Files included | .css, .sql, .csproj, Javascript .js |
Software version | .NET 4.5, .NET 4.0, .NET 4.6 |
Tags | C#, Javascript, ASP.NET, sql, boostrap, angular, .net, entityframeworkcore, sqlserver |