Home / App Templates / React

BMI Calculator - React App TemplateBMI Calculator - React App Template
A BMI calculator depending on gender, age, height and weight.Home / App Templates / React

BMI Calculator - React App Template
A BMI calculator depending on gender, age, height and weight.3 Support questions or comments
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Jan 17, 2022Hello, If I download this app using free files of the week https://prnt.sc/26ehlhh so can i upload it On My Google Play Store Account?
Dec 8, 2020Keto77 PurchasedHow can open the code in android studio ?????
Dec 8, 2020delisolutions AuthorHello,
you posted already the same issue before. I gave you an answer. Please check your first post.
Dec 8, 2020Keto77 PurchasedGood day.
I Buy this template but I want work with code in android studio .Any Help? -
Dec 8, 2020delisolutions AuthorHello,
thank you for your message. This template is written in React Native. It is a cross-platform framework for apps. Thereby you can develop android and iOS apps with one and the same code. Please write an email to [email protected]. I will send you a link to an instruction for that issue.
Category | App Templates / React |
First release | 8 April 2020 |
Last update | 27 April 2020 |
Tags | BMI, android app, app template, iOS app, mobile app, bmi calculator, react native template, react native boilerplate, react native project, react native mobile app, react native source code |