BMI Calculator - React App TemplateBMI Calculator - React App Template
A BMI calculator depending on gender, age, height and weight.
BMI Calculator - React App Template
A BMI calculator depending on gender, age, height and weight.
A BMI calculator depending on gender, age, height and weight. Issues recommendations depending on the calculated BMI value. Underweight, overweight, normal weight but also anorexia or obesity are calculated and analyzed. The app is bilingual: German and English. The language is selected automatically and depends on the language set on the mobile phone. Alternatively, the language can also be changed via the settings in the app. If necessary, Ad Mob can be integrated and thus generate good monthly income.
- Ready to deploy application for both plattforms: iOS and Android
- BMI Calculation depending on gender, age, height and weight
- Recommendations depending on calculated BMI value
- Ad Mob can be integrated to generate sales
- React-Native
- Expo-Client
- Optional: Android Studio/Xcode
Step 1: Run command in project folder: npm install
Step 2: Run command in project folder: expo start
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Tags | BMI, android app, app template, iOS app, mobile app, bmi calculator, react native template, react native boilerplate, react native project, react native mobile app, react native source code |