Softste - PrestaShop ThemeSoftste - PrestaShop Theme
Suitable for furniture store who want to increaes their sale 30% more.
Softste - PrestaShop Theme
Suitable for furniture store who want to increaes their sale 30% more.
Softsteam 4.2 is an ecommerce responsive theme with Multi Column with professional looks . In this website we have used brown color combination with clean and clear feeling. You can switch into 8 different color theme from backoffice on your choice.
In front office we have used big image slider and four atractive image banners below the slider . It will give more attraction to your website viewer and makes convert into valuable customer.
In this theme we have done more focus on sales oriented and informative way. Thus, customer feels cool while they browser your website and they do not feel difficult to access products and it’s attributes.
In every product we have removed buttons to make clean and clear but you can get these once you hover product individually. This theme is more suitable for those business who want to increase their sales volume with extra 30% in the title of furnitures. One more thing is that it won’t take more than 5 minutes to install this theme.
Installation Instructions
Make sure you are in back office of prestashop and had disabled
performance setting. First of all install Template Installer module and
click on configure link. In “import from your computer” you need to
select your installation zip file and click next . Go step by step with
default configuration of prestashop until you reach in final step.
1. Image Dimensional Configuration
Click on Preferences > images
Do not forget to regenerate all thumbnails
2. Image Slider
Find Image slider in “Front Office Features” cateogry
Configure with below setting for image slider.
Max width = 1170
Speed =500
Pause = 3000
Auto play = Yes
Module Configuration Guide
1. Image slider for your homepage
Click on Modules Tab and search “Image Slider ” module. Here you can add multiple image
slide with link. Make sure you are uploading image file with 1170x500 pixel.
2. Theme Configure
This module is developed by prestashop team . Here, you can configure several image banner
in hooks.
Here, in demo we have shown 4 different image banner . Image dimensional are given below.
a. 575x230
b. 575x418
c. 278x164
Other items by this author
Category | Themes / PrestaShop / Miscellaneous |
First release | 11 November 2015 |
Last update | 11 November 2015 |
Tags | template, design, store, furniture, interior, wooden, brown |