Leo Florist PrestaShop ThemeLeo Florist PrestaShop Theme
It is designed for diversified commodities as bonsai store and multiple stores. Leo Florist is suitable for any e-commerce sites.
Leo Florist PrestaShop Theme
It is designed for diversified commodities as bonsai store and multiple stores. Leo Florist is su...
Leo Florist for Bonsai, flower pot, bonsai pot is a minimal Prestashop template. Leo Florist is 100% responsive to be able to nicely displayed and completely customizable on any screen sizes like desktop, laptop, tablet, and mobile phone.
The most striking feature of this 1.7 Prestashop theme is the simple, newfangled and compact design. With Leo Florist Prestashop theme, your online store’s interface is just like a table calendar, which is very friendly with neat and well-structured layout. The homepage is in full-width style, mainly using images to speak out the topic or hot trend products of your online store. The Header Nav with crystal background and Currency & Language module shown right from the page top will make things convenient for clients to change language and currency. Also, the header main with powerful Megamenu in dropdown style, you can add images, videos or direct links to pages.
Thanks to Product Search module, that searching for a desired product or item on page become easier than ever. The payment is also handy just by one click on Cart – the Ajax Cart that follows you on any page.Â
The footer supported with Widget Block Link, Widget html will provide full information about your store, increases the ability to the clients. Moreover, social networks like Facebook, Twitter, or Google+ are integrated, which broadens your potential customers and tracks them to your site quickly.
The detail Category page and multi-functioned sidebar will save time for your customers in finding the products.
Blog page with novel design associated with strong Blog module, you can self-design to any layout style you want. Besides, you can collect comments or feedback from your customers for each blog for reference and update.
The Leo Florist Responsive Prestashop Theme for diversified commodities.
This Template is designed for desktop, all tablet and mobile devicesMULTIPLE SKINS BY DEFAULT
Colours Themes supportCSS3 + HTML 5
Template support for Jquery Effects, css 3. Multiples modules suffix's build-in template for module styling.POWERFUL LEO FRAMEWORK
Impressive built-in content style. Supports multiple layout options, configured within from back-office. Easy to add custom html module, special, new, home feature via Leo Manage Widget Module Easy change color, template width via the Leo Theme Control Panel Module.SUPPORT MULTIPLE LANGUAGE
Support for native language file translation. We translate template to 6 languages.BROWSER COMPARISON
Fully compatible IE10+, Firefox 2+, Firefox 3, Flock 0.7+, Netscape, Safari, Opera 9.5, Chrome.
- Fully compatible IE10+, Firefox 2+, Firefox 3, Flock 0.7+, Netscape, Safari, Opera 9.5, Chrome.
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Category | Themes / PrestaShop / Miscellaneous |
First release | 5 April 2018 |
Last update | 5 April 2018 |
Files included | .php, .css, .sql, Layered .psd, .xml |
JavaScript Framework | jQuery, Node.js |
Tags | tree, plant, pot, bowl |