Laravel - Doctor Appointment SystemLaravel - Doctor Appointment System
Laravel Doctor Appointment system with Digital Hospital Management
Laravel - Doctor Appointment System
Laravel Doctor Appointment system with Digital Hospital Management
Project overview:
The Doctor Appointment Management System is a comprehensive Laravel-based application for small to medium-sized diagnostic centers, clinics, and healthcare facilities. This system streamlines and manages the internal operations of a diagnostic center, offering tools for appointment scheduling, patient management, billing, and much more. In this Application have Four Panel
- Admin Dashboard
- Doctor Dashboard
- Accounts Dashboard
- Receptionist Dashboard
This documentation provides an overview of the features and usage instructions for each module in the Panels. Use it to understand how to operate the application and manage its various components effectively.
For Admin Panel Login:
Email: [email protected]
Password: Admin@2024
For Doctor Panel Login:
Email: [email protected]
Password: 12345678
For Account Panel Login:
Email: [email protected]
Password: 12345678
For Receptionist Panel Login:
Email: [email protected]
Password: 12345678
- HTML-5
- Bootstrap-5
- Javascript
- Jquery
- Jquery Yejra Datatable
- PHP (8.1)
- Laravel (10.10)
- MySql 8.*
Support and Contact Information
Support Availability:
Our support team is available Monday to Friday, from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM (GMT). We aim to respond to all inquiries within 24-48 hours during business days.
Support Inclusions:
Assistance with installation and setup. Bug fixes and troubleshooting. Guidance on using the features included in the product.
Support Exclusions:
Customizations beyond the product’s standard features. Third-party plugin conflicts and integration support. Server or hosting environment configuration.
How to Reach Us: For support, please get in touch with us via email at:
📧 [email protected]
When emailing, please include:
Your purchase code. A detailed description of the issue you are facing. Screenshots or error messages, if applicable. We’re here to help, and we appreciate your business!
Key Features :
- Department Management
- Doctor Management
- Patient Management
- Prescription Management
- Appointment Management
- Nurse/Compounder Management
- Receptionist Management
- Accounts Management
- Expnase Management
- Invoice Management
- Bill Collect Management
- Email Sent Management
- SMTP Configuration
- Profile update system
System Requirements
Server Requirements:
Minimum PHP version (PHP 8.1 or higher) and Laravel Version 10.10 Required PHP extensions (like mbstring , openssl , pdo , curl , gd, zip, fileinfo, pdf) Supported databases (usually MySQL) For quick email sent and report generating Please always run this command `php artisan queue:work` otherwise email and report do not work quickly.
Local PC Setup (Windows, Linux, macOS)
Step 1: Download the Application from Codester
- Log in to your Codester account.
- Go to "Downloads" and download the Laravel application ZIP file.
- Extract the ZIP file to a folder on your computer.
Step 2: Install Required Software
- Windows:
- Linux:
- Install Apache, MySQL, and PHP (LAMP stack) using your package manager.
- Install Composer using terminal commands.
- macOS:
- Install MAMP or set up the LAMP stack manually.
- Install Composer using terminal commands.
Step 3: Set Up the Application
- Open the terminal (Command Prompt or Git Bash for Windows, Terminal for macOS/Linux).
- Navigate to the extracted project folder using the cd command
- Install the required PHP dependencies
- Copy the .env.example file to .env if you get env file in your project root then no need to copy
- Open the .env file in a text editor and update the following settings:
- APP_NAME: Set your application name.
- APP_URL: Set the URL where your application will run (e.g., http://localhost).
Step 4: Set Up the Database
- Create a new database in MySQL using phpMyAdmin or via the terminal.
- Run the following command to generate the application key
- Migrate the database tables
- (Optional) Seed the database with initial data
Step 5: Run the Application
- Start the local server
- Open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:8000 to see your application running.
2. Shared Hosting Setup (cPanel, hPanel)
Step 1: Upload the Application
- Log in to your cPanel or hPanel account.
- Go to "File Manager" and navigate to the root directory (usually public_html).
- Upload the Laravel application ZIP file and extract it.
Step 2: Set Up the Database
- Go to "MySQL Databases" in cPanel/hPanel.
- Create a new database and user, and assign the user to the database with full permissions.
Step 3: Configure the Environment File
- In the "File Manager," locate the .env file and edit the following:
- APP_NAME: Set your application name.
- APP_URL: Set your domain name.
Step 4: Install Dependencies
- Use the cPanel/hPanel terminal or SSH to access your server.
- Navigate to the application directory and run
- Generate the application key
Step 5: Set Up the Database
- Run the migration command
- (Optional) Seed the database
- Or You will get a demo database SQL file, just import it and it will be done.
Step 6: Adjust File Permissions
- Ensure the storage and bootstrap/cache directories are writable
Step 7: Configure the Web Server
- In cPanel/hPanel, navigate to the "Domains" section and set the document root to the /public directory of your Laravel project.
- Ensure the .htaccess file in the /public directory is correctly configured.
3. VPS Server Setup
Step 1: Set Up Your Server
- Access your VPS server via SSH.
- Update your server packages
- Install Apache/Nginx, MySQL, PHP, and Composer.
Step 2: Upload the Application
- Upload the Laravel project to your server using SFTP or by cloning from a repository.
- Navigate to the project directory.
Step 3: Set Up the Environment
- Create a .env file and configure it as described in previous sections.
- Install dependencies
- Generate the application key
Step 4: Set Up the Database
- Create a new MySQL database and user.
- Run migrations and seed the database
Step 5: Configure the Web Server
- Set the document root to the /public directory of your Laravel project in your Apache or Nginx configuration.
- Reload the web server to apply changes
Step 6: Adjust File Permissions
- Set the appropriate permissions for the storage and bootstrap/cache directories.
4. Cloud Hosting (AWS)
Step 1: Set Up an EC2 Instance
- Log in to your AWS Management Console.
- Launch a new EC2 instance with a suitable AMI (Ubuntu, Amazon Linux, etc.).
- SSH into your EC2 instance.
Step 2: Install Required Software
- Update your instance and install Apache/Nginx, MySQL, PHP, and Composer.
Step 3: Upload the Application
- Upload the Laravel project using SFTP or clone it from a repository.
- Navigate to the project directory.
Step 4: Set Up the Environment
- Create a .env file and configure it.
- Install dependencies
- Generate the application key
Step 5: Set Up the Database
- You can use Amazon RDS or set up MySQL on the EC2 instance.
- Run migrations and seed the database:
Step 6: Configure the Web Server
- Set up Apache or Nginx to point to the /public directory of your Laravel project.
- Adjust the security groups to allow HTTP/HTTPS traffic.
Step 7: Set Up a Domain
- Configure your domain to point to your EC2 instance's public IP using Route 53 or another DNS provider.
Step 8: Adjust File Permissions
Ensure the storage and bootstrap/cache directories are writable.
Other items by this author
Category | Scripts & Code / PHP Scripts / Booking |
First release | 26 September 2024 |
Last update | 26 September 2024 |
HTML/CSS Framework | Bootstrap |
Files included | .php, .css, .html, .sql, Javascript .js |
Database | MySQL 5.x |
Software framework | Laravel |
JavaScript Framework | jQuery |
Tags | php, management, health, hospital, crm, digital, clinic, doctor, latest, laravel crm |