PetTheme - MyBB ThemePetTheme - MyBB Theme
The MyBB PetTheme theme is a perfect theme if our forum is related to pets/animals in version 1.8.36.
The MyBB PetTheme theme is a perfect theme if our forum is related to pets/animals. If our forum is not about these topics, it doesn't matter, the theme adapts perfectly to any theme with its soft colors.
- Clean design with soft colors
- Easy to install and use.
- Pure CSS, no bootstrap.
- Super fast charging on all devices.
- Responsive design
- Using FontAwesome icons.
- Supports mybb plugins.
- Good documentation
- Good support.
MyBB 1.8.23
First of all, copy the folders to your MyBB directory. Then:
Install the theme (admin -> Templates and style -> Import a theme) And finally activate the theme.
If you don't know how to install the theme or have any problems, check the documentation.