Genesis Dark MyBB ThemeGenesis Dark MyBB Theme
Mybb Genesis Dark Theme version 1.8.24. Genesis Dark Theme is a MyBB them that contains various responsive mechanisms.

Genesis Dark Theme is a MyBB them that contains various responsive mechanisms. The colors can be adjusted easily according to personal preferences and to Serve any kind of community. The theme is built using the latest version of bootstrap and font awesome to server everyone properly.
Clean, simple and understandable design
Developer Friendly Code
Sticky Header
Collapsing Sidebar
Custom Login Modal
Custom User Menu
Custom Admin Control Panel Menu and Moderator Control Panel Menu
Custom Alert icon with new alert pulse style
Awesome Menu System
Contains multiple fully responsive mechanisms
Contains SVG icons
Contains Tooltip Titles
included Bootstrap v4.2.1
included Font Awesome v5.12
Contains Scroll to top button
Redesigned Quotes and Code blocks
User Control Panel Menu replaced with font awesome
Mod Control Panel Menu replaced with font awesome
Font Awesome icons for seen and unseen messages
Profile bootstrap tabs
Mybb modals replaced with Bootstrap Modals
Apr 27, 2021xyba PurchasedRating:Great theme, only had one little issue and received support within only 30 minutes!
100% recommended.