Go - Social Media Marketing SolutionGo - Social Media Marketing Solution
A premium solution for your Social Media Marketing business and engagement

Go - Social Media Marketing Solution
A premium solution for your Social Media Marketing business and engagement

Go Social SMM is a premium solution that can be used to setup your Social Media Marketing Business.
Go Social SMM was built with security in mind thereby ensuring only secure payment processing happens on Go Social SMM.
We have carefully crafted this solution to create a win win scenario for both vendor and users by adding user engagement feature that allows users earn passive income from referral program or by actively engaging in social media tasks on the platform
Admin Login:https://smm.khaytech.com/admin
Username: admin
Password: admin
User Login:https://smm.khaytech.com/user/login
Username: test1234
Password: test1234
Admin Features
- Referral Setup
- Account Plan Management
- Voucher Management
- User Management
- Advert Management
- Tasks Management
- Vendor Management
- Payment Gateway
- Wallet Withdrawal Settings
- Support Ticket
- Reports
- General Settings
- System Configuration
- Support Ticket
- Logo & Favicon Settings
- ......and lots more
User Features
- Referral Setup
- Account Settings
- Voucher Management
- P2P Transfer
- Fund Payout
- Tasks Management
- Buy Socials
- Advert Management
- Wallet Payout
- Support Ticket
- ......and lots more
System Requirements
✓ PHP Version 7.4.0+
✓ MySQL Version 5.7+ or MariaDB version 10.2+
✓ BCMath PHP Extension
✓ Ctype PHP Extension
✓ Fileinfo PHP extension
✓ JSON PHP Extension
✓ Mbstring PHP Extension
✓ OpenSSL PHP Extension
✓ PDO PHP Extension
✓ PDO_MYSQL PHP Extension
✓ Tokenizer PHP Extension
✓ XML PHP Extension
✓ CURL PHP Extension
✓ GD PHP Extension
✓ GMP PHP Extension
Installation is very easy with our Easy Installer. You can install yourself simply in few steps without any coding knowledge. We develop our installation system to make the installation process flawless and easy.
- Upload the whole file you have downloaded after purchase to the server.
- Extract/Unzip the file and move all files into desired folder/location
- Visit https://wwww.your-url/install
- You will be redirected to the easy installer welcome page
- Follow the easy installer steps
Jan 7, 2024Venkatesh3 PurchasedRating:No proper support or response, team said developer will do customization. After receiving the confirmation only we purchased it. But there is no updae from developers
Oct 28, 2023treecloud59 PurchasedRating:
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PHP Script Installation Service
Don't worry about the installation of your script! Have your PHP Script installed for you.
$39 | Buy now |
Category | Scripts & Code / PHP Scripts / Social Networking |
First release | 15 July 2023 |
Last update | 23 May 2024 |
Software version | PHP 7.4, PHP 8.0, PHP 8.1 |
Files included | .php, .css, .html, .sql, Javascript .js |
Tags | facebook, twitter, Social Media, share, instagram, likes, smm, shares, tweet |