mooDating - PHP Social Network Dating PlatformmooDating - PHP Social Network Dating Platform
The Completed Dating Software that helps you to build your own Social Network & Dating Site Combine

mooDating - PHP Social Network Dating Platform
The Completed Dating Software that helps you to build your own Social Network & Dating Site C...

Looking for a Complete Solution for Social Network & Dating Site Combine but can’t find one? Check out our mooDating solution, it’s the Best Dating Scripts in PHP. This solution is built based on the most popular social network platform mooSocial so that it’s included full of the social features you need for members to interact like posting a new status, comment, like share, add friends...and dating features like advanced people search, profile matching, people nearby, encounter, chat, virtual gifs and more. Check out the main Features of the platform below
Dating Features:
- Dating profile Page: See beautiful dating profile page with detailed information like profile photos, name, age, location, interests and basic information. You can like, send message, send gift, make note, add friend and also poke a profile
- Custom Profile Fields: You can add as many custom fields as you want to a profile to make your dating site unique
- Profile Preference: System will find a profile based on profile preference. User can search for their opposite gender, age and purpose by default
- Opposite gender matching: Matching based on your preferred profile preference like: gender, age and location
- Profile Spotlight: Get your users to be seen more by others
- Profile Verify: Add this useful feature to your site to prevent fake users
- Credit system: increase user time on site by giving users credit rewards on their actions and also provide a mean to monetize the site by selling credit package
- Profile matching questions: Enhance matching by allow users to answer your own questions
- Theme Editor: Edit almost everything in the site
- Encounter: Meet people based on profile preference, interests and matching questions
- Payment System: The most popular payment systems include: paypal, stripe, zombaio and ccbill
- Monetization: Support multiple monetization methods: subscription plan for users, Profile popularity, credits...
- Gift: Allow people to send gift to each other’s
- Ads Manager: Allow to add manual ads to the site easily
- Find a match: Search profiles based on geolocation, interests and bio
- Fake Users Generator: Generate thousand of users to give a site activities
- Popularity System: Allow profiles to appear more often than other profile when they purchase
- Membership: built-in membership plugin so that you don’t need a separate membership system for it. With this membership plugin, you can create custom memberships that use either PayPal, stripe, ccBill,....payment gateway. You can even use multiple gateways at once and can integrate with a new payment gateway through our integration service.
- Match score: It’s a page show common interests and matching questions between two profiles
- Profile visitors: See who recently view your profile
- Can be extended fast with tons of plugins from mooSocial platform: The mooDating script is built on top of mooSocial platform so that you can use it with any themes, plugins..from mooSocial platform.
Social Features:
- Landing page: Customizable landing page where you can change picture, text and logo
- Feeds: includes status updates, photos, videos, links, ... .from your friends and your matched members Profile Page: Profile page is where you can view user posts, follow, send a message.. and see detailed information of the user. GPDR: Download user personal data. Download link will be sent directly to user email Realtime Chat: Send/Receive chat requests and start chatting right away.
- Videos: allow your member can share video by uploading from phone/computer or link from youtube
- Invite: Invite friends to join the social network via email
- Profile Settings: Change Profile, Account, Notifications and Mail Setting
- Darkmode: Change site theme manually
- Static pages: provides you a tool to create a custom page and add it into the main menu, footer menu or mobile apps. The pages module is also a tool where you can manage the content of “policy”, “term of services' ' and “About us” page at the footer menu.
- Follow and add friends: allow you to follow people or add someone as friend to start chatting with them and see full profile info.
- Layout editor: Change layout of any page on the site via our layout manager
- Social logins: allows SSO login in mooDating site via any OAuth/OpenID Connect Identity provider such as facebook, google, apple…, and others. This plugin allows secure login to your Dating site without having to remember a username and password
- Comment: allows your members to make comments on the posts on your site
- Reply: allows you to reply to a comment
- Report: allows your members to report posts, profile e.t.c
- RTL language support Multi-Lingual: you can easily create a new language pack and translate it by yourself in the admin panel.
- Notification: send to your members notification (push and email) about the related items.
- Storage System: Add external storage like s3 to the site to store media files
- Search Plugin: allow your member to search posts…by keyword.
- Likes: provide your members option to like items shared in your site
- Share: provide your members option to repost items in your site
- Mention: provide your members ability to mention each other in their post
- And Many More features that you can check at our above demo link.
Native apps and PWA ready (Paid plugin)
- Push Notifications
- Native Features : Enhancing user’s experience with mobile’s native features. Native features such as swipe gesture, file upload, camera capture and push notifications will keep users engaged and enjoy using Dating App.
manager - Multi-Language Support
- Message Broadcastt
- AdMob Support: Monetize your community with AdMob. Our Dating App is integrated “out of the box” with AdMob to allow community owners to earn revenue from their investments.
- API Powered
LiveStreaming (Paid plugin)
- Push Notifications when friends is LIVE
- Real time interaction like comment, live, share.
- Newsfeed update whenever friends is LIVE
- Ant Media Server is required to run.
Real-time chat (Included in pricing but will charge extra fee for installation)
- Push Notifications
- Chat List: Shows a list of active chats with other users, including profile pictures and brief status messages
- Real-Time Messaging: Allows users to send and receive messages in real time
- Attachment Options: Includes options to send images or other media files via the chat interface.
- Unsent and reply to a chat message.....
- Server OS: Linux is recommended
- Web server: Apache or (NginX + PHP-FPM)
- PHP 7.4
- Database: MySQL 5 to MysQL8
- Video Upload: FFMPEG (Optional)
- PHP extensions: MySql PDO, GD2, Curl, libxml, exif, zlib (if you need to export theme)
- Magic quotes must be disabled
- Memory Limit: 128M+
Unzip the .zip file.
Follow the instructions here to
Access the documentation for detailed instructions and usage guidelines here (please read mooDating script section)
Change log
Version 1.6 in progress
- Affiliate system plugin
- Better design
- Improve "Find a match"
Version 1.5: released
- Video call
- Audio call
- php 8 compatible
Version 1.4: Released. More details please check here
- LiveStreaming plugin (Paid plugin)
- PWA for mobile app (come with mobile apps)
- Real-time chat plugin (Text chat is free and come with core)
Version 1.3 is official released. More details please check here
- Convert current mobile apps to react-native to make it much more responsive and improve user friendly
- Upgrade core follow the updates of mobile apps to make it compatible with mobile apps
- Cross-Site-Scripting follow the report at https://packetstormsecurity.co... (this is not a big security issue so that you can continue using 1.2 without any big issues)
- Add tool tips for all buttons at profiles and use same style/format
- Fix the issue of profile complete module follow this https://prnt.sc/nIe_G4TCMAcR
- Fix some found bugs and add some small improvements follow feedback from client.
- Issue FakeUser Plugin can not create when enable better password setting
- Small improvements for dating theme.
- Some avatar images are coming in blurry…issue
Version 1.2
- Added new look and feel for default layout
- Sign up process: Added "Profile preference step"
- Added "increase popularity" system.
- Profile page: Completely redesign
- Added "Find a match" and improved "Encounter"
- Added search and Advanced search for “Find a match” and “Encounter”
- Added 'My popularity" section that includes: matched, profile visitors, I viewed, Liked me, I liked and friend requests and section for members to subscribe to increase popularity.
- Premium: Added a few permission settings for paid membership.
- Added "Poke" plugin
- Added "Profile background" change into profile page.
- Improved Interest module: now members can select from the list, admin can define the list in admincp. Members also can add more interest if the admin allows it.
- Profile info: Added basic profile fields and profile data for each field. Ex: height, weight, body type.....
- Privacy setting for profile: Who can share a post into my profile, who can see my friend
- Profile note: Added into profile page
- Profile spotlight + Suggestion block: These blocks will show paid profiles only.
- Opposite gender improved.
- Fixed some found bugs from 1.1 version
Version 1.1
- Upgrade mooSocial core to 3.1.6
- Upgrade all plugins to latest version
- Added fields for member to edit Interests
- Added "opposite gender only" role setting. If this setting is enable, member who belong to this role only can see opposite gender member only in the following section: users, encounters, nearby, viewme and matching.
Version 1.0 Initial version
11 months agopadonis PurchasedRating:I bought this script, the complete script has additional plugins, of course, it is paid, I wish the price of the plugins was much lower, I could buy them all, but in general, the script is very good, and it adds support for updates quickly, and the most important feature is the good responsiveness of the support, which is the most important. The advantage of this script is the only problem is that the script format is very simple and not modern, and it is more for social networks than dating sites.
Mar 6, 2024maxi30 PurchasedRating:A good dating software with everything you need to run a serious dating service.
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Tags | social network, dating, facebook clone, dating site, dating script, Badoo Clone, Dating App, badoo, dating application, dating network, tinder clone, best dating app, how to build a dating app, dating platform, php social network script |