phpRegister - PHP Login And User Management ScriptphpRegister - PHP Login And User Management Script
phpRegister, User Login and Helpdesk Management procedural Script

phpRegister - PHP Login And User Management Script
phpRegister, User Login and Helpdesk Management procedural Script

Start quickly your next project. No needs of knowledge in Object Oriented coding or knowledge of any framework.
Easy to install, easy to understand, easy to work with to fit your needs with a PHP procedural script.
Works on Apache or Nginx server, with MySQL (5.1.0+) or MariaDB (10.0.5+) database server.
Commented and noticed code: https://phpregister.com/notice/
The code has been developed to be easy to understand, and comes with a notice to help to start quickly with it.
- Procedural script
- aJax php calls to update DOM dynamically
- Bootstrap 3.3.7 / jQuery 2.2.4, Responsive code
- User registration
- Email Activate accounts
- Login with email / Password
- Secure password encryption (sha1) in database
- Password reset with email
- Social media registration:
- Google /Gmail
- Windows Live / Hotmail
- User account part with multi addresses management
- Helpdesk for users:
- Open new ticket
- Sending email to admin to prevent new ticket has arrived
- Reply to Support replies
- Pre-written pages for your website:Â
- Home page
- Contact page
- Footer and NavbarÂ
Administration section:
- Define Charts Period of Users registrations
- User management
- Display user detailed information
- Manage permissions
- Assign special permissions to an user
- Delete user
- Send email to an user
- Manage helpdesk tickets opened by users
- Apache 2.4 / Nginx 1.0
- php 5.3+ / php 7.0+
- MySQL 5.1+ /Â MariaDB: 10.0.5
All the important instructions have been given in the documentation file and more info about the code at https://phpregister.com/notice/
Category | Scripts & Code / PHP Scripts / Login |
First release | 2 June 2017 |
Last update | 4 July 2017 |
Software version | PHP 7.0, PHP 7.1, PHP 5.3, PHP 5.4, PHP 5.5, PHP 5.6 |
Files included | .php, .css, .sql, Javascript .js |
Tags | login, user management, administration, help desk, tickets |