Lex Prime - Web Theme for FigmaLex Prime - Web Theme for Figma
Web Theme for Attorneys & Lawyers. Created with Figma.
Lex Prime - Web Theme for Figma
Web Theme for Attorneys & Lawyers. Created with Figma.
Lex Prime - Web Theme for Figma
From early human history we created rules, customs, with purpose to strength our society, our values. With time, we added institutions, so we had a possibility to protect basic rules in our lives. With further development of the rules on national and international level, more people wanted to protect their rights, and started to ask for help from professionals, who provided their legal services. Lex Prime is a web theme for Figma, which is all about to help to these professionals (attorneys and lawyers) to create their recognizable brand and presence on the internet. It's a collection of the layouts (design) for landing pages, mobile devices, but also there is a design of splash screen for mobile application. The package is well documented, with clarification about how to use this theme.
Support, Features, and More
- Blog Layouts,
- Landing Pages,
- Mobile Layouts,
- Multiple Versions,
- Organized Items,
- Well Documented.
- At least 1.6 Ghz processor,
- Figma account,
- Preferable Win 10 or 11 operating system,
- Stable internet connection.
Zip File
After download Lex Prime - Web Theme for Figma, and unpacking zip file you will get the following folders:
- Credits,
- Notices,
- Support,
- Versions.
Credits Folder
In this folder you can find all information about sources, which have been used, to be created this product.
Notices Folder
In this folder you can find short information about some important elements of this product.
Support Folder
In this folder is located documentation for Lex Prime theme.
Versions Folder
In this folder are located three subfolders - Fig, Png and Svg, where each contain different versions of this theme.