CV/Resume Web TemplateÂ
ResumeX - HTML Web Template is suitable mostly for your quality
CV/Resume. There are created twelve versions of this template, where
each has seven main sections with purpose to be in line with CV/Resume
oriented websites. This template is tailored for people, who want to
have a quality presentation of their achievements. Easy your work with
Content of ZIP File
Template images aren't included in this package. They are only there for
preview purposes. Instead, there are image placeholders.
Images, Sources
Freepik, Pixabay, Unsplash.
Google Fonts.
Font Awesome, Material Design.
Template Features
Well structured code
Responsive design
Quality copyright document
Table of contents for code
Ready for Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Google Chrome, IE 11 and Edge browsers
HTML files are checked with W3C Validator for regularity of HTML code
Implemented Bootstrap 4 version
Well commented
Separated HTML, CSS and JS files
Implemented graphic preloader
CSS files tested with CSS Validator
Quality Documentation
Editor (Visual Studio Code, Brackets, Komodo Edit, etc.),
Browser (Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, etc.),
Tool for Images (Adobe Photoshop, GIMP, etc.),
SCSS Extension (Example - Live SASS Compiler for Visual Studio Code),
Tool for Vectors (Adobe Illustrator, Inkscape, etc.).
To install ResumeX - HTML Web Template you can use two methods:
Upload files to the server using cPanel (cPanel provide to you your hosting provider)
To upload files to the server:
Log in to your account (hosting),
Upload your choosen template version to the server - ZIP file (all versions can be found in "Versions" folder).
Unzip files in following folder on server: public_html
You are ready to go.
Upload files to the server using some ftp client (Example - FileZilla)
FileZilla website: https://filezilla-project.org/
Please, download the newest FileZilla version.
For more info how to upload your website/template on the server, check this link: