PyIMS - Inventory Management SystemPyIMS - Inventory Management System
PyIMS is an inventory management system developed in django, includes a mobile app
PyIMS - Inventory Management System
PyIMS is an inventory management system developed in django, includes a mobile app
PyIMS is an inventory management system developed in django - python, which is intended for companies or microenterprises that have multiple stores, however, it also serves for small stores. The system allows to manage products, which can belong to one or several stores at the same time, each store can have a different stock of products, it also allows to manage employees that belong to different stores and employees can manage all products, invoices, etc. in general. It also has a system of invoices that can be generated by employees, each invoice has its transaction identifier in addition to the data of the store where it was generated. The system also has an application for smartphones that allows you to scan the product code to get the product information, you can also access the list of all products belonging to the store.
Login Page & Logout
Rest API (Login, Store Details, Product Details)
Dashboard Page:
- Displays the all sales per month (all stores sales)
- Add new product (one product in many stores system)
- Add product stock
- List all products
- Update product details
- Delete product
- Add new store
- List all stores
- Update store details
- Delete store
- Add new invoice
- List all invoices
- Delete invoice
- Generate printable file
- Delete invoice
- Add employee
- Update employee details
- Delete employee
- Profile Details
Mobile App:
- Login & Logout
- List all products
- Barcode scanner
- Django==4.1.2
- Python >= 3.10
- django-crispy-forms==1.14.0
- djangorestframework==3.14.0
Django App:
- Extract the files on the server where you are going to host the system
- Database configures the type of database to be used (MySQL, PostgreSQL, etc)
- Find your configuration at (https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/4.1/ref/databases/) and then modify the "settings.py" file inside the "PyIMS" folder.
- Requirements install the required system modules by executing through a command console on your server the command: pip install -r requirements.txt
- Once you have configured the database and installed the necessary modules to run the system, you must migrate the models to the database, to do this you must execute the following commands
- python manage.py makemigrations
- python manage.py migrate
- Once you have migrated the models, you must create a superuser, to do this you must execute the following command
- python manage.py createsuperuser youruser
- you must complete the data that the console will inform you such as user, password, email, etc.
- After creating your user you will be able to run your server by executing the following command
- python manage.py runserver
- You can access their website through the following link http://yourhost:8000/
Mobile App:
- How to connect the System with the App:
- - Inside the folder "pyims_mobileapp/lib/core/service" modify the file "api.dart" changing the variable "baseUrl" with the value of your server, e.g. "http://yourhost:8000".
Other items by this author
Category | Scripts & Code / Django |
First release | 12 December 2022 |
Last update | 13 December 2022 |
Files included | .py, .css, .html, .db, Javascript .js |
Tags | python, stores, Inventory Management, django, Barcode Scanner, flutter |