UFSharer DjangoUFSharer Django
A real-time messaging and file-sharing web application
UFSharer Django
A real-time messaging and file-sharing web application
A real-time messaging and file-sharing web application.
- Chat with any user by their username.
- Real-time chat.
- Two theme mode system (light & dark).
- Email not required (great for anonymity).
- File sharing with no limits.
- Email notifications.
- Simple Admin panel.
- Docker environment.
- Full source code.
- Simple & Easy to use.
Please note that certain functionalities such as file uploading and real-time messaging are disabled in the live demo app.
Docker file, docker compose file, and docker image are available upon request.
- Chat with any user by their username.
- Real-time chat.
- Two theme mode system (light & dark).
- Email not required (great for anonymity).
- File sharing with no limits.
- Email notifications.
- Simple Admin panel.
- Docker environment.
- Full source code.
- Simple & Easy to use.
- Python 3 (tested with 3.12)
- Django 5 (tested with 5.0)
- Celery 5 (tested with 5.4)
- Redis 7.0 (tested with 7.0)
- MySQL 8/MariaDB 10.4 (tested with MariaDB 10.4 and 11.4)
- Any SMTP server (not required if you don't want to notify users with messages via email)
- Nuxt 3
- Vue 3
Technical documentations are included with the source code.