Laracrud Multipurpose Laravel Admin CRUD GeneratorLaracrud Multipurpose Laravel Admin CRUD Generator
Save hundreds of hours coding with your applications from scratch and instead get your web application ready.

Laracrud Multipurpose Laravel Admin CRUD Generator
Save hundreds of hours coding with your applications from scratch and instead get your web applic...

Laracrud - Multipurpose Laravel Admin Code Generator
Save hundreds of hours coding with your applications from scratch and instead get your web application ready to run in a fraction of the time with our Multipurpose Laravel Admin Code Generator. This advanced PHP-based CRUD application allows you to generate ajax based create, read, update and delete in minutes with many options including user panel, admin panel, and API. Designed to offer maximum security to your web application, it can be used by website owners to easily authenticate users, designed for their user experience, and manage their data too.
This application comes with starter modules that are vital in developing web applications that you don't need to write from scratch and save you thousands of dollars for spending on development. From user authentication, security, basic profile settings, API tokens, user management with unlimited roles and permissions, menu builder, multi-language, email templates, our advanced CRUD and Dashboard Widget generators, and many more.
The Laracrud help you to focus your valuable time on business logic and deliver the final products immediately without hesitation regarding the product quality. Perfect for startups and mid-size companies who are looking to go from ideation to creation without spending ages coding and perfecting their applications—our CRUD generators let you do it in a fraction of the time.
Live Demo
Admin Panel
Username: admin
Password: p@ssword
User Panel
Username: user
Password: p@ssword
Module & CRUD Generator
- Ability to create unlimited Modules & CRUD
- 3 types of modules that you can generate Admin CRUD, User CRUD, and API CRUD
- Can set menu title and icon
- Can set with/without parent menu
- Can assign roles when creating a new module
- Can generate with Soft Deletes
- Auto-generate API Documentation using Scribe Package
- With an option to Generate Create Form
- With an option to Generate Edit Form
- With an option to Generate Delete Action
- With an option to Generate Multiple Delete
- Can set unlimited fields with sortable feature
- With field options like field available on in list page, create a page, edit page, show page, if it is sortable, and if it is required
- Can set table total entries
- Can set default order by column
CRUD Generator Form Types
- Text Fields: Text, Email, Textarea, and Password
- Choice Fields: Radio, Select, and Checkbox
- Number Fields: Integer, Float, Money
- Date/Time Fields: Date Picker, Date/Time Picker, and Time Picker
- File Uploads: File, and Photo
- Relationship Fields: BelongsTo Relationship, and BelongsToMany Relationship
- Extra Features: TinyMCE option for textarea form type, unlimited options for choice fields, drag and drop for file upload, validation options, tooltip text field, and many more...
Dashboard Widget Generator
- Generate widget dashboard without coding using our Generator
- Available widget types line chart, bar chart, pie chart, counter, and latest records
- With Drag and Drop Sortable Feature
- Can select any models that you want to display in your widget
- Can set aggregating function
- Can set group by column
- Available group by options: day, week, month, year, and using a field name
- Can set filtered data
- Available filter data options: today, show last 7 days, show last 14 days, show last 30 days, and many more
- With the option show blank data (for charts widget only)
- Can set background color (for counter widget only)
- Can set icon (for counter widget only)
- Can set total records to show (for latest records widget only)
- And load model relationship name (for latest records only)
- Can select fields to show with options to modify the field (for latest records only)
- Can set view more button (for latest records widget only)
- Can set the widget title
- Can set widget width using Bootstrap column classes
- Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) Prevention
- Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Prevention
- Password Hashing
- Avoiding SQL Injection
Change Log
Version: 1.3.0 - 14th February 2023
[PATCH] - User Management Module [PATCH] - Settings Module [FIX] - Module Generator [PATCH] - Menus Module [PATCH] - Base Module [UPDATE] - Update vendors [UPDATE] - Javascript Updates
Version: 1.0.0
initial release
- Based on Laravel 9
- Module & CRUD Generator
- Dashboard Widget Generator
- Secure Authentication
- Secured API Authentication using Laravel Sanctum
- Social Authentication (Facebook, Google)
- Two-Factor Authentication
- Can log in with a username or email
- Remember Me feature
- Forgot Password
- Google Captcha on Registration
- Email verification
- Detect user country on the registration
- Generic User Panel (profile, security, activities, personal access token)
- Interactive Dashboard
- Multiple Language
- Unlimited Roles and Permissions
- Configurable
- User Management
- User Invitation
- Language Management
- Menu Management
- Email Template Management
- Currency Management
- Modular Structure
- Fully Responsive
- Easy installation
- Preferred Server - Apache/Nginx
- PHP Version >= 8.0
- BCMath Extension
- OpenSSL Extension
- PDO Extension
- PDO MySQL Extension
- Mbstring Extension
- Tokenizer Extension
- XML Extension
- Ctype PHP Extension
- JSON PHP Extension
- GD Extension
- Fileinfo Extension
- Intl Extension
Follow our documentation after download.
May 25, 2023mattrin PurchasedRating:good potential, some minor elements not fully coded or have bugs, i am sure the developer will fix. I will move to five star when done. otherwise, great modular software...
PHP Script Installation Service
Don't worry about the installation of your script! Have your PHP Script installed for you.
$39 | Buy now |
Category | Scripts & Code / PHP Scripts / Database |
First release | 12 July 2022 |
Last update | 14 February 2023 |
Files included | .php, .css, Javascript .js |
Tags | php, user management, crud generator, laravel, bootstrap admin, crud builder, laravel admin |