Result and Payslip PHP Scripts With DatabaseResult and Payslip PHP Scripts With Database
Exam Result & Payroll Calculation Database with PDF Format BY Laravel Framework

Result and Payslip PHP Scripts With Database
Exam Result & Payroll Calculation Database with PDF Format BY Laravel Framework

These Scripts- can calculate average results and employee's weekly or monthly payslip  with date and time in a table format in connecting with MYSQL. So, you can record, edit, check and stats your data easily. Apart from this, your all overall data as well as individual data will be store in PDF Format so that you can easily get your data in a proper format and print it easily. There is search option, so you can find any particular things from unlimited data. All things will be done just a click, which can save your manual workload, paper work and time. You can add your own logo, banner for Individual Exam report card and payroll Invoice. You can edit others thing also very easily according to your requirements.
Result Calculation Database with PDF Format BY Laravel Framework:
It has created to facilitate to solve the problem of result calculation, store Overall Exam Result, students report card with logo, banner etc for institutions like School, Colleges and Universities. Â When it comes to educational institution, it is often need to calculate exam grades, report statistics of average results, and how students have performed and these types of tasks are take a long time as well as put pressure on people if you do it manually or in excel sheet. This one able to calculate result report card with Students exam grades & report statistics of average results, total marks with date & time, as its connected with MYSQL database so users can keep the records of the overall result data and per student exam report card with PDF format etc.All thing will be done just by a click on calculate and save result button.
Payroll Calculation Database with PDF Format BY Laravel Framework:
This Script would be perfect for Individual employers, office or any kind of business organizations to find out the employee's overall or individual Payroll calculation with very easily & quickly by one click just putting the employees name and basic salary. This Script can perform employee’s gross salary, HR, DR, TA (You can change or  add other things like tax deduction, incentives, bonus according to your requirements) with date & time. By this, office or organization can maintain their employees overall payroll. In connecting with MYSQL. So, you can record, edit, check and stats your data easily. You can keep the records of the overall Payroll data and every employee’s separate payroll Invoice or certificate with your own logo, banner and other things with PDF format so that you can print & download easily. All thing will be done just by a click on calculate and save Payroll button.
Separate Screenshots have been provided for more clear understanding.
By this you can save plenty of your time, paperwork and manual stress or workload.
 Here, using Laravel Framework -the no.1 web application database PHP Framework in the world with the Dompdf .So, your all application and database format will be systematic, proper, in a organized manner, won’t give any kind of trouble. Once Installed or set up, you don’t need to help of others to edit things or run this for lifetime.Visit the website of Exam Result & Payroll Calculation Database with PDF Format BY Laravel Framework.
You don’t need to calculate in excel sheet , Save your time and manual work in computer,just install it &make your own system easily-Everything will be ready just a click.Codes are clear and simple enough to understand so that you can easily edit or add your own format .This database system-certainly benefits to applying this new system for education sector as well as many office or organizations.
visit documentation page with screenshots-
In Result PHP scripts whenever you fill up the students name, id, roll, marks in Mark sheet and click calculate and save result button, the following things will be ready-
1.Students overall result report card with grade, grade point, total marks with date and time.
2. All Result sheet will be store with date & time in MYSQL where you can also edit, delete data.
3. All Result sheet will be store in your web also.
4. Every student’s PDF Format report card will also be ready with logo and banner and you can easily download & print your data.
5. ALL Overall Result sheet will be store in PDF Format so that-it can be easily download & print.
6. There is search option bar, so you can find any particular student’s data just by search name.
 7. You can edit easily all things –as per your needs. There will be a documentation file with screenshots, the way to show how to change, edit, put code, image, logo etc whenever need any kind of modification.
In Payroll script after you put the Employee’s name ,basic salary and click calculate and save results button the following things will be ready-
1.Employee overall Payroll with HR,DR,TA (You can change add other things like tax deduction,incentives,bonus according to your requirements) with date & time.
2. All Payroll sheet will be store with date & time in MYSQL where you can also edit, delete data.
3. All Payroll sheet will be store in your web also.
4. Every Employee’s PDF Format payroll Invoice or Salary certificate will also be ready with  logo and banner and you can easily download & print it.
5. ALL payroll sheets will be store in PDF Format so it can be easily download & print your data.
6. There is search option, so you can find any particular employee’s data just by search name whenever you need.
 7. You can edit or change easily to make this as per your organisation, all things –as per your payroll structure. There will be a documentation file with screenshots, installation process, the way to show how to change, edit, put code,image,logo etc , whenever need any kind of modification or implementation.
# php version from 7.1 to 7.3.
#Laravel 5.6
#Extract all files from Zip file.
#Check out the documentation file.
#Go to your hosting server and then click file manager.
#Go to public HTML and Upload the main file zip to your hosting server.
#After upload extract all files from your main file zip.
#Move the all file from public
#Make database in MySQL database wizard.
#put your in your .env file the server name, username, password
,database name in your env file according to the requirement.
#Go to PHP my admin,create SQL table.(separate SQL file given
with the main file)
#And your both calculation scripts with database with PDF
format will be ready to use.
#Access from a web browser.
Mar 29, 2019saburkhan PurchasedRating:This PHP Cal Script with database is really good, all calculation and database is ready just one click.Its quick, good-looking, simple, easy-to-install and well documentation.
I bought this and I will apply this in my school. I want to give thanks both Author and Codester for this excellent item.
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Category | Scripts & Code / PHP Scripts / Database |
First release | 24 March 2019 |
Last update | 8 April 2020 |
HTML/CSS Framework | Bootstrap |
Software version | PHP 7.1, PHP 7.2, PHP 7.3 |
Files included | .php, .css, .html, .sql, Javascript .js |
Database | MySQL 4.x |
Software framework | Laravel |
JavaScript Framework | jQuery |
Tags | php, MySQL, Database, education, student, finance, employee, exam, pdf, laravel, teacher, payroll, online result, salary. |