Larking - Short Video Creator AndroidLarking - Short Video Creator Android
In this app included features like short video creator, own portfolio, status, duet video, photo upload, day-night theme etc...
Larking - Short Video Creator Android
In this app included features like short video creator, own portfolio, status, duet video, photo ...
Larking - Short Video Creator
Demo apk login:-
username:-Â [email protected]
password:- demo
Admin panel login:-
email:-Â [email protected]
password:- hello
Admin Panel
- PHPÂ code
- Android
Features Available
- User can create their video also do duet video with editing features.
- Day & Night Theme.
- User can create their Personal Portfolio.
- Status options available like WhatsApp.
- Status settings like, public, follow friends, close friend.
- Image uploading features also available like Instagram features.
- User can share their photos to other media.
- User can block and report account.
- User can save their photos and videos to their profile.
- Chatting feature also available so that is the plus point.
- User can search account.
- In this photos and videos profile, user can like, superlike and commenting on their    videos and photos
- In this video features, there is multiple options are availble like share to direct       whatsapp.Â
- User can upload photo, video and portfolio.
- User can record their video.
- Show the activity screen like who did like their post etc...
- In this profile three types of dp like, public, close friend, followers.
- User can add and edit bio to their profile.
- User can mention to other people.
- User can invite friend to follow their account.
- Find Instagram friend.
- Find Facebook friend.
 - User can edit their profile.
- Request Verification also availble in this app so that is the big plus point for user.
- In that verification process user can upload their valid document and we can check    their details is correct or not after that we can give to them access of verification    account.
- In this verification there are three ticks are available like, blue, orange and normal tick.
- There are three types of theme option are availble like that blue, golden and red    theme.
- Day-Night theme is auto.
- Notification settings also available like post settings, video settings, like settings,    superlike settings, comment settings.
- From Larking options options like that Reminder, Future notification, Help requests.
- Privacy Settings like block accounts, block posts, account privacy like public or private.
- Change password screen also availble.
- Otp can share their email address.
- Two factor authentication also availble.
- Close friends list.
Android Studio
PHP Admin Panel
Chane your app name in code, also you can change admin panel source code availble for both app as well as admin panel.
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Android App Reskin Service
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Category | App Templates / Android / Applications / Video |
First release | 7 February 2021 |
Last update | 7 February 2021 |
Operating Systems | Android 7.0, Android 8.0, Android 9.0, Windows 10, Android 10.0, Android 6.0 |
Files included | .php, .css, .html, .sql, .csproj, .db, .java, .obj, .xml, build.settings, Javascript .js |