Exion TV - Watch Live TV Android Source CodeExion TV - Watch Live TV Android Source Code
Exion TV Application is an android app that shows live TV on an android device.

Exion TV - Watch Live TV Android Source Code
Exion TV Application is an android app that shows live TV on an android device.

Exion TV Application is an android app that shows live TV on an android device. You can watch your favorite 8000+ live TV channels from all over the world on your mobile phone on your Android device. The application is specially optimized to be extremely easy to configure and detailed documentation is provided.
You will able to watch live streaming TV on your mobile device anywhere and anytime with multiple channels like News, Star entertainment, Music, Sports.
Also in this app channels are organized with a category like theirs Channel by Country, Channel by Category and Channel by Language. This app contains worldwide 8000+ IPTV channels built-in so you don’t need anything to do just plugs and plays. All you need is a better internet connection.
Also with TV channels, we have integrated a Movie API where you get a piece of information about the latest and upcoming movies also you can view movie details like when it's going to release and what's inside of it because it contains a movie trailer too which you can watch and play.
So this app supports both Movies and Live IPTV 8000+ channels.

Ads can be controlled through firebase.
- Splash Screen
- Intro Pages
- Slider on home page (Link, Category, Movies, Tv Series, Live TV Channels …)
- IMDb API integrated help to fetch movies Details / Images / Genres / Episodes / TV Series ...
- Featured TV Live Channels
- Top Rated Movies / TV Series
- Popular Movies / TV Series
- Show Movies
- Show Movies By Category
- Movies Details with Movie TrailerÂ
- Movie Search Â
-  Favorite Movies Â
-  Live TV Supports  Â
- TV Channels By Category  Â
- TV Channels By Country Â
-  TV Channels By Language  Â
- TV Channels Displayed with Icons  Â
- HSL Streaming Support Â
-  YouTube Support Â
-  AdMob Ads  Â
- Facebook Ads  Â
- AdColony  Â
- IronSrc Ads Â
-  Ask to rate app Â
-  Ask Update when new update available Â
- Android Studio 4.0.1 or Above
- Firebase Database (For Ads Controlling and Ads Units storing)
Other items by this author
Category | App Templates / Android / Applications / Video |
First release | 31 October 2020 |
Last update | 1 April 2021 |
Operating Systems | Android 7.0, Android 8.0, Android 9.0, Android 10.0, Android 5.0, Android 6.0 |
Files included | Layered .png, .apk, .dex, .db, .java, .xml |
Tags | movies, player, video streaming, iptv, live streaming, imdb, live tv, video app, tv shows, netflix, m3u8, streaming app, m3u |