Restaurant Management System PHPRestaurant Management System PHP
Restaurant Management System in PHP MySQL
Restaurant Management System PHP
Restaurant Management System in PHP MySQL
The Restaurant Management System is simple to use and Friendly user, Develop in PHP MySQL database, and Codelgniter Frame work using JavaScript, HTML, Modal, Ajax, Bootstrap, and J Query, this system is a web application it contains of admin and user, the user is limited access on the system it defends in admin, and the admin can manage all information of the restaurant system like, add new user, add product, delete, update and more
Admin Dashboard
User, Add User, Manage User, Groups, Add Group, Manage Groups, Store, Tables, Category, Product, Add Product, Manage Products, Orders, Add Order, Manage Orders, Reports, Product Wise, Total Store Wise, Profile, Setting.
Add User
Groups, Store, Username, Email, Password, Confirm Password, First Name, Last Name, Phone, and Gender.
Manage Users
Username, Email, Name, Phone Number, Group show Entries, Edit, Delete, add user, and Search.
Add Group
Users, Groups, Stores, Tables, Category, Product, Orders, Report, Company, Profile, Setting and Search.
Manage Groups
Add Group, Show Entries, Group Name, Edit, Delete, and Search.
Add Store, Show Entries, Store Name, Status, and Search.
Add Table, Store, Table Name, Capacity, Available, Status, Action, Edit, Delete, Show Entries, and Search.
Add Category, Show Entries Category, Category Name, Status, and Search.
Add Product
Product Name, Price, Description, Category, Store, Active, and Search.
Manage Product
Add Product, View Product, Image, Product Name Price, Store, Status, Action, Show Entries, and Search.
Add Orders
Product Name, Quantity, Rate, Amount, Gross Amount, Vat, Discount, Net Amount, and Create Order.
Total Paid Orders, Report Order, Month, Year, and Amount.
Company Information
Company Name, Charge Amount, Vat Charge, Address, Phone Number, Country, Message, and Currency.
Username, Email, First Name, Last Name, Gender, Phone, and Group.
Restaurant Management System
- Name of Project: Restaurant Management System
- Language Used: PHP
- Database Used: My SQL
- Design Interface: Bootstrap JavaScript, HTML, Ajax, JQuery,
- Browser: Opera Mozilla Google Chrome IE8,
How to setup this project
Step 1st. Download xampp
Step 2nd. Text editor notepad++ or Sublime
Step 3rd. Download the zip file/ Download winrar
Step 4th. Extract the file and copy “restaurant” folder
Step 5th. Paste inside root directory/ where you install xampp local disk C: drive D: drive E: paste: for xampp/htdocs,
Step 6th. Open PHPMyAdmin http://localhost/phpmyadmin
Step 7th. Create database name restaurant
Step 8th. Import restaurant.sql file given inside the zip package in SQL file folder
Step 9th. Run the script http://localhost/restaurant
Step 10th. Password: **Username: admin@admin.com** / Password: password
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$39 | Buy now |
Category | Scripts & Code / PHP Scripts / POS |
First release | 6 November 2020 |
Last update | 6 November 2020 |
Software version | PHP 7.0, PHP 7.1, PHP 7.2, PHP 5.6 |
Files included | .php, .css, .html, .sql, Javascript .js |
Tags | restaurant, php, management, System |