Home / App Templates / Unity / Templates

ZigZag - Endless Traffic Racing - Unity EngineZigZag - Endless Traffic Racing - Unity Engine
ZigZag - Endless Traffic Racing 2D racing game. Complete project template.

Home / App Templates / Unity / Templates

ZigZag - Endless Traffic Racing - Unity Engine
ZigZag - Endless Traffic Racing 2D racing game. Complete project template.

1 Review
Apr 20, 2020nourqq PurchasedRating:The game does not open in the unity gives an error! Please return the money or solve the problem
Category | App Templates / Unity / Templates |
First release | 25 February 2019 |
Last update | 25 February 2019 |
Operating Systems | Unity 5.0, Unity 5.5, Unity 5.5, MacOS 10.14, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 |
Files included | .cs, .csproj |
Tags | racing, game, Unity, traffic, endless, complete, zigzag |