Home / App Templates / Unity / Templates / Racing

Unity Game Template - Blocky HighwayUnity Game Template - Blocky Highway
Get into top chart of Google Play and App Store with Blocky Highway. Complete unity template ready for release out-of-the-box.Home / App Templates / Unity / Templates / Racing

Unity Game Template - Blocky Highway
Get into top chart of Google Play and App Store with Blocky Highway. Complete unity template read...1 Support questions or comments
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Feb 22, 2019Theo2 Purchasedhi there, I have 3 errors with this file.
1/ Dex Archives do not work for Android or iOS: http://prntscr.com/mohuyd
2/ The scripts do not function properly: http://prntscr.com/mohvbz
3/ I was double charged on paypal.
Could you please refund both of the purchases? - View 6 more replies
Feb 23, 2019OnefallGames AuthorHi, about the duplicated libraries, we already fixed and submitted new version for the source code. Please download it and let us know if its worked.
" The variables do not show up for me to change " : you need to change the parameters of AdManager prefab, not script. That's the basic knowledge when using Unity. Please read the documentation inside the project for all instruction on how to setup and reskin.
About the debug build problem, please take screenshots of the error logs of tab Console, your images just show the info dialog, not the error. -
Feb 25, 2019Theo2 Purchasedso im left with a non-working product, and no refund?
First and last time using codester lol. They obviously don't check code. -
Feb 25, 2019OnefallGames AuthorHi, as i said before. Please upload new screenshots for the error. Your screenshots just show the log, not the actual error. I'm been wariting for your response almost 2 days.
Category | App Templates / Unity / Templates / Racing |
First release | 19 October 2018 |
Last update | 10 September 2020 |
Operating Systems | Unity 5.0, iOS 10.0, Android 7.0, Unity 5.5, Unity 5.5, Android 8.0, iOS 11.0, iOS 8.0, iOS 9.0, Android 4.0, Android 5.0, Android 6.0, Unity 3.5, Unity 4.0, Unity 4.5 |
Files included | Layered .png, .cs, .csproj, .dll, .unityproj, .prefab, .fbx |
Tags | template, racing, admob, Unity, Block, Car, endless, ads, complete |