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Group Links For Whats App - Android Source CodeGroup Links For Whats App - Android Source Code
One of the most social application to connect people from all over the world

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Group Links For Whats App - Android Source Code
One of the most social application to connect people from all over the world

19 Support questions or comments
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Jan 3, 2019c0dezer0 PurchasedMy app was suspended and removed from google play "has been suspended and removed from Google Play because it violates our Device and Network Abuse policy and section 4.9 of the Developer Distribution Agreement. This app won’t be available to users until you submit a compliant update."
How can i solve it . ? -
Jan 5, 2019nadeemtaj5 AuthorSome users add porn group links in your database, clean these groups from your database and update the app again or appeal for reinstate it.
Dec 26, 2018mp3ora PurchasedDon't buy this app, this is no longer work with play store, Google suspended all (100's of) apps which are using "Whatsapp Group" suspended. (You can search your self in google https://www.google.com/search?q=site:play.google.com%20+%20whatsapp%20groups you will not find a single app in play store).
Dec 25, 2018techeria PurchasedMy app get suspended through violating section 4.9 Google Play Policy. Why you made this type of scammy templates that hurts users work & money.
Jan 5, 2019nadeemtaj5 AuthorSome users add porn group links in your database, clean these groups from your database and update the app again or appeal for reinstate it.
Jan 7, 2019techeria PurchasedIts not about porn links i m daily filter my links. Its about google not accepting this type of apps anymore. Google remove each nd every app of this kind.
Dec 22, 2018ikramkasuri PurchasedSir, I have problem in app.
When I attach my own ads in apk then ads can't show but test ads showing.
What's a problem in it -
Dec 22, 2018nadeemtaj5 Authordont worry bro,
Google change the ads behavior, if test ads are working then change the ads to your own and publish the app, ads will start working after few hours
Dec 21, 2018mp3ora PurchasedCan you please update app compliance with "UGC" (User Generated Content). because one of my app got suspended because of it.
Please fix UGC issue: http://prntscr.com/lxsf2w
Thanks, - View 8 more replies
Dec 24, 2018I want to know something about this app. how can I contact you.
Dec 24, 2018nadeemtaj5 AuthorMy email address is [email protected]
Dec 24, 2018mp3ora PurchasedDo I look like threatening you? If this App did not optimized for UGC then it is worthless to spend money on it, let me know if you have planned to update this app or not?
Dec 18, 2018lemangpanas PurchasedHow to remove some categories and translate text categories
Dec 18, 2018nadeemtaj5 AuthorEmail me at [email protected]
Dec 17, 2018hi, will you launch ios version too? thanks
Dec 18, 2018and any demo app? your google play link already removed
Dec 5, 2018Christopher11 PurchasedHello, i have faced seriously problem when i uploaded the app in google play store, it says
"You uploaded an APK with an invalid signature (learn more about signing). Error from apksigner: ERROR: JAR_SIG_NO_SIGNATURES: No JAR signatures"
Also according to new google play Console policy there is need of attaching privacy policy link inside the app so how about it? -
Dec 5, 2018nadeemtaj5 AuthorHello Christopher, there is no need of privacy policy inside the app, just put privacy policy in google play store store listing page
The error you mentioned above is because you did not properly signed the app,
Just search from youtube that how to sign apk in android studio
Dec 5, 2018Christopher11 PurchasedI have three challenges with the app
1. App didn't display ads
2. On the latest category in the dashboard it didn't show latest added groups
3. Is there any possibility of adding Facebook ads in future update? -
Dec 5, 2018nadeemtaj5 AuthorAds will be shown after publishing the app, till then you can use test ads,
If you add any group link in latest category then it will be shown there,
Yes Facebook ads can be integrated easily by us... -
Dec 5, 2018Christopher11 Purchasedso am i supposed to do what in order to have facebook ads?
In future update i strongly suggest that in latest category there should be only latest groups which added in different category so as uses can simply view latest category for only latest added groups? -
Dec 5, 2018nadeemtaj5 Authorjust email me at [email protected] for facebook ads and latest groups issues, i can do it but with extra charges
Dec 4, 2018Can It be change to other languages ?
Dec 4, 2018nadeemtaj5 Authoryes ofcourse
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Category | App Templates / Android / Applications / Social |
First release | 8 October 2018 |
Last update | 24 December 2018 |
Operating Systems | Android 7.0, Android 8.0, Android 4.0, Android 5.0, Android 6.0 |
Files included | .apk, .java, .xml |
Tags | whatsapp, whatsapp groups, whatsapp group links |