Nearme - Ionic 3 Starter for Location Based AppsNearme - Ionic 3 Starter for Location Based Apps
Create your own business directory app
Nearme - Ionic 3 Starter for Location Based Apps
Create your own business directory app8 Support questions or comments
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May 21, 2019Hello I would like to buy this starter but I have a few doubts. Could you tell me where we could talk? An email or chat to make some questions? Thank you
May 21, 2019My skype username: xdhren
Feb 28, 2019Hello sir... I want to buy ionic 4 v5.... But i like ionic 3 v4 colour skin...Can i talk to u about this app...do u have skype.... My Skype id : taslim.tanim
Feb 28, 2019Fernando14 AuthorInvitation sent
Mar 2, 2019I knocked you on skype... Can u call me...
Mar 3, 2019I called u on skype
Feb 28, 2019Hello sir... I want to buy ionic 4 v5.... But i like ionic 3 v4 colour skin...Can i talk to u about this app...do u have skype.... My Skype id : taslim.tanim
Feb 28, 2019Fernando14 AuthorInvitation sent
Feb 16, 2019Hi. Is it possible to add events with push notifications? Is it possible for users to choose what distance they would like to see. E.g. 5 km?
Feb 16, 2019Fernando14 AuthorSure. Reach us at info at quanlabs dot com to get a quotation.
Dec 27, 2018Im unable to purchase here.
Dec 28, 2018Fernando14 Authorcontact us at info at quanlabs dot com
Oct 17, 2018Hi, is this the latest version of the app? Have you managed to fix the location errors?
Dec 28, 2018Fernando14 Authoryes this is the last version bugs free
Oct 5, 2018Hello
I would like to buy it, but can you make someedits for me and I will pay for that?? -
Oct 5, 2018Fernando14 AuthorSure. We're available for hire
Oct 5, 2018Great
How can I send my inquiry to you please ?
Do you have Skype ? -
Oct 5, 2018Fernando14 AuthorReach us at info[at] quanlabs.com
Sep 20, 2018Casey PurchasedI have no idea what I'm doing. Do I need to have my own server or how does this work? Do you do installations for this? I guess I didn't know I needed a degree in computer science to set this up
Sep 20, 2018Fernando14 AuthorIf you don't have technical skills we can setup everything for you. Our fee is $149. This include admin portal installation and app submission to Google Play and/or App Store.
Oct 5, 2018Hello
I would like to buy it, but can you make someedits for me and I will pay for that??
Category | App Templates / Ionic / Full Applications |
First release | 29 July 2018 |
Last update | 29 July 2018 |
Operating Systems | iOS 10.0, Android 7.0, Android 8.0, iOS 11.0, Android 5.0, Android 6.0 |
Files included | .css, .html, Javascript .js |
Tags | business, maps, location, google maps, geolocation, business directory, ionic, cordova, Ionic 3, places |