Laravel Digital Products - Multi-Vendor MarketLaravel Digital Products - Multi-Vendor Market
Simple PHP Laravel Digital Products - Multi-Vendor Market

Laravel Digital Products - Multi-Vendor Market
Simple PHP Laravel Digital Products - Multi-Vendor Market

11 Support questions or comments
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Aug 11, 2023Any news on upgrading this Project on Laravel 10?
Nov 23, 2023As the project is under sale, I would like to buy it. However, I cannot use it if you do not upgrade it because I want only on framework 10.
Have you updated it on framework 10 already? -
11 months agoAre you planning to update the project on Laravel Framework 11?
Oct 14, 2022It looks like a good script but the demo login is not working... error 419 page expired
- View 9 more replies
Oct 20, 2022Good morning mate. I did exactly as you demonstrated in your videos, but this error appears. Could it be that the file you updated on May 25, 2022, in the codester, is the same file you are using there? suddenly the version that is there and the one I downloaded is the one that must be having a problem. Can you send me that zip that is opening correctly for you? so we can check if that's the case.
Oct 20, 2022smartcodecreator AuthorI have written for you.
Oct 20, 2022untrusted developer! it provides a script with faulty code, so you go to it and it offers help but only if you pay! we exchanged emails and I can prove what I'm saying!! of course I requested a refund but apparently he is acting in bad faith, denigrating my image. If codester wants to have access to the emails I exchanged with him, you'll see that I'm telling the truth!!
Dec 27, 2020Hi,
I would like to buy the script, do you offer support in terms of full installation and slight customization ? If so, how much do you charge? Thanks
Jul 26, 2020le0 Purchasedhello, some errors and features that I want to add on the site.
1) I get an error when capturing the person's address information in the profile section.
1.1) As far as I can see, there is nothing about the address in the database!
2) I also want to add payment systems other than paypal. can you give some guidance on how to do this?
3) I want to list the stores on a page as well as the products I listed on the site.
4) I have a question, for example, let's assume there are 1000 products on the site. How can I list these products in 20 pieces, instead of listing them all on one page? -
Jul 26, 2020smartcodecreator AuthorHi,
Please send me the error message, screen picture of the [email protected] address. -
Jul 26, 2020le0 Purchasedmail has been sent.
May 26, 2020Hi,
I would like to buy the script, do you offer support in terms of full installation and slight customization ? If so, how much do you charge? Thanks
Dec 10, 2019shiva44 PurchasedHello Looks good, but table is not migrate its cause 2 error
the error is
1( In Connection.php line 664:
SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table 'mysite.users' doesn't exist (SQL: alter table `users`
add `admin` tinyint null))
2 (In Connection.php line 458:
SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table 'mysite.users' doesn't exist)
Please Help -
Dec 11, 2019smartcodecreator AuthorYou have to import the laravel_digital_arts-db_xxxxx.sql file from the sql folder. Use phpmyadmin.
Dec 11, 2019smartcodecreator AuthorAfter the sql dump import Edit the .env file in the root folder:
DB_DATABASE=laravel_digital_arts //your database name
DB_USERNAME=root // database user
DB_PASSWORD=root // database pass
Oct 31, 2019I see only that you can upload zip files to 1000kb or 10mb. Can it bee changed easily?
And why is demo zip file required . Can it bee easily changed ?
Otherwise script demo looks ok -
Oct 31, 2019smartcodecreator AuthorThere is am .env file in the root folder.
You can change the setting with a texteditor (pspad, notepad,...):
#max file size in KB : 10MB
FILE_SIZE = 10000
#max image size in KB : 10MB
IMAGE_SIZE = 10000
The .env file is protected with .htaccess
Apr 25, 2019Hey. I went to the demo.
Found a problem.
In the description there is no possibility of a line break.
There is no possibility to put html code in the description.
Connect the plugin to edit TinyMCE or CKEditor -
Apr 25, 2019smartcodecreator AuthorThis not problem, this is feature. I don't allow the users insert HTML code.
Apr 25, 2019It is not right.
Need to be able to make a good description for the goods.
Because there is a Yandex.ru search engine that scans the description of the goods and issues it in the output.
This is important for website promotion on the market.
Nov 21, 2018Hey I'm willing to buy it but it seems that it have a really issue like downloading the files from a link
that would be a huge issue if someone bought it he can share it with anyone
if you can do a license based feature that would solve it
please remind me if you've fixed that so i can check it
Nov 22, 2018smartcodecreator AuthorI haven't built any licence key. If you buy this app you can share it. The solution would be a central server (with auth key check) but I sell my app on all the world.
Nov 22, 2018No i meant in the app it self
The Myhexa issue he mentioned before
that they can download the files from the link -
Nov 22, 2018smartcodecreator AuthorNo! I fixed it when Myhexa said it!
I created a video for you!:
You can test it with the Test User profil ( [email protected]/123456) The Paypal is in Sandbox Status (Developer Part)
You can test the whole shopping process.
Test the Dowmload Link without login or other Browser.
Sep 5, 2018linear PurchasedHello!
I'd like to request a refund. I purchased this script but later found out while testing it that it doesn't work to my needs. The reason why I'm requesting a refund is that the files to be bought can be easily downloaded and have no protection against downloading without buying.
I really appreciate it if you can refund me
Austin - View 9 more replies
Sep 5, 2018smartcodecreator Author
Sep 5, 2018linear PurchasedLooks good, but will it break the download when someone buys it? Also, in the edit product page, you should remove the links to where the files are (next to upload file) because those lead to 404's
Sep 5, 2018smartcodecreator AuthorHi
I fixed the edit product page.
I go to sleep
Category | Scripts & Code / PHP Scripts / Marketplace / Digital Downloads |
First release | 11 June 2018 |
Last update | 16 February 2024 |
Software version | PHP 8.0, PHP 8.2 |
Files included | .php, .css, .html, Javascript .js |
Tags | paypal, checkout, basket, laravel, digital product, sell code |