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Stairs - Buildbox TemplateStairs - Buildbox Template
Take A Smooth Ride Down!

Home / App Templates / Buildbox / Casual

Stairs - Buildbox Template
Take A Smooth Ride Down!

21 Support questions or comments
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Apr 5, 2020nethunterz PurchasedI can't open the file I downloaded. I get the error below. Help
this file is a buildbox 2 formatted bbdoc.
it requires conversion to works with buildbox 3. once converted the bbdoc will no longer work with older versions of buildbox.please backup your bbdoc file. click no to cancel. would you like to proceed? -
May 28, 2020amazing work.I really like it.
Feb 11, 2020AlexandruIonescu PurchasedHi mate, I have the basic version of Buildbox 2, I can only have 1 world and 15 scenes, is this game in this category or I will buy it for nothing and not be able to use it at all? Please confirm this. How many worlds and scenes does this project have?
Sep 14, 2019Hamza149 Purchasedits not working
i want help
Aug 31, 2019Hamza149 Purchasedsir it is not working on my device
would you like to send me 1 world version ?
Aug 17, 2019Hamza149 PurchasedWhich BB version do i need to open this project i tried to open it with bb 2.3.8 but im getting black screen
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Aug 21, 2019Hamza149 Purchasedi have the lowest subscription
Aug 21, 2019Hamza149 Purchasedeven when i export it and download it on my phone it does not open
Aug 22, 2019Hamza149 Purchasedand when i export it and download it on my phone it does not open
May 25, 2019Kevin24 PurchasedHello, you can update the Android code, exporting the project again using the new Buildbox version. Buildbox updated its libraries for Android, compatible with the new Google Play policies. Please.
May 25, 2019cookiegames AuthorDo you need the app or the Buildbox file updated?
May 25, 2019Kevin24 PurchasedThanks for replying, I need the updated Buildbox file.
May 25, 2019Kevin24 PurchasedI use version 2.3.7 of BuildBox