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Xavier - PHP User Admin Login ScriptXavier - PHP User Admin Login Script
The Xavier PHP Login Script is a user management system allowing the registration and administration of users

Home / Scripts & Code / PHP Scripts / Login

Xavier - PHP User Admin Login Script
The Xavier PHP Login Script is a user management system allowing the registration and administrat...

21 Support questions or comments
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10 months agoHello, I can use your script with Regular License to make my own scripts and sale it for my clients?
10 months agoSiggles AuthorHi there. For that you will need to pay for the Extended License.
Regular License
A regular license allows an item to be used in one project for either personal or commercial use by you or on behalf of a client. The item cannot be offered for resale either on its own or as part of a project. Distribution of source files is not permitted.
Extended License
An extended license allows an item to be used in unlimited projects for either personal or commercial use. The item cannot be offered for resale "as-is". It is allowed to distribute/sublicense the source files as part of a larger project. -
10 months agoWhen I buy extended license so I can get document to developt it?
10 months agoSiggles AuthorIf you buy the extended license it is yours to do what you like with it. It comes with documentation, if that is what you mean and if you get stuck with anything, reach out to me.
Feb 17, 2022I see you've updated the codecanyon version to 3.2.1 - is there an update here?
Feb 17, 2022Sorry - to clarify - I'm having the same issues as others whereby only one user can login at a time - can I get the fix for that please?
Feb 23, 2022No reply to this request, or my private message. Not good ...time for a refund I think.
Feb 24, 2022FrederickStaff@Siggles can you please update the version as soon as possible.
Sep 18, 2021Hello: I need a multi user login system for my training website. I need to give access to users after they pay me. Will your system process payments using credit cards? Just wanted to be sure before purchasing your script. thanks
Sep 20, 2021Siggles AuthorHi, no it doesn't do this currently. Thanks
Aug 21, 2021Pre-sales questions: does all of the functionality shown in the admin panel work ...registration settings, user settings etc? I can change the session length, or change to email verification?
Second question - which version of Bootstrap does this use?
Steve -
Aug 23, 2021Siggles AuthorHI, yes all the things work. It uses Bootstrap 3, I'm hoping to update this in the coming weeks.
Aug 23, 2021Awesome - thank you. I purchased and am loving it!
Apr 9, 2021swarupb Purchasedactivation email is not sending
even enabling this feature also : https://ibb.co/Vg8w1jJ - View 8 more replies
Apr 26, 2021swarupb Purchasedwhich mailing setup you will recommend for current script?
Apr 27, 2021swarupb Purchasedthere is no provision to define username and password in includes/mailer.php
Apr 27, 2021Siggles AuthorThe script uses PHPMailer. This link explains how to change the mailer.php file slightly to use SMTP instead of PHP's Mail function. - https://netcorecloud.com/tutorials/send-an-email-via-gmail-smtp-server-using-php/
Mar 5, 2021Hi Sir, I'm having a problem with this system. When I login into this system its not showing the admin dashboard, whereas it displaying the phpmyadmin dashboard. Please help me.
Oct 14, 2020limbustwo PurchasedIs there an easy way to enable captcha at admin/user login?
Oct 16, 2020Siggles Authorcaptcha is only for registration currently.
Oct 9, 2020Hi Siggles,
Now, I just include the following file in my page :
if(!$session->logged_in){ header("Location: /example/index.php" } else { index.php }
But, I can't access my page when I have logged..
Help me, how I can access my page when I have logged?
Regards... -
Oct 12, 2020It's been more than 3 days, but there is no response.
I have submitted a refund request... -
Oct 14, 2020Siggles AuthorApologies, I am moving house. Unfortunately, I cant be available 24/7 but I try my best.
Oct 14, 2020Yes No Problem,
I have Purchased the other Script.
Please accept my refund request...
Aug 4, 2020developdreams PurchasedHi I am getting this error while install it on my server
"Cannot process or access the db_dump.sql file."
- View 1 more reply
Aug 4, 2020developdreams Purchasedit's Cpanel Hosting . yes files are in the same folder structure.
I am using this hosting actually
https://www.000webhost.com/ -
Aug 5, 2020Siggles AuthorCan I maybe have access to the hosting? Please contact me via the COdester messaging system.
Aug 5, 2020Siggles AuthorCOnnected on remotely and helped get it working.
Jul 31, 2020Good Day, Please can you please provide me with your email. i want you to help integrate this script with and exiting website
Aug 3, 2020Siggles AuthorHi there, there should be a form on item page you can use to contact me.
Category | Scripts & Code / PHP Scripts / Login |
First release | 22 November 2017 |
Last update | 13 June 2023 |
Software version | PHP 7.0, PHP 7.1, PHP 7.2, PHP 7.3, PHP 7.4, PHP 8.0, PHP 8.1, PHP 8.2, PHP 5.5, PHP 5.6 |
Files included | .php, .css, .html, .sql, Javascript .js |
Database | MySQL 4.x, MySQL 5.x |
Tags | admin, php, user, SCRIPT, MySQL, management, protect, Database, login, register, secure, administration, registration, logon |