Telegram Mini Web App Like Hamster KombatTelegram Mini Web App Like Hamster Kombat
Catster Combat app is a Telegram app like Hamster Combat app, easy to set up
Telegram Mini Web App Like Hamster Kombat
Catster Combat app is a Telegram app like Hamster Combat app, easy to set up6 Support questions or comments
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3 months agoIs Telegram payments API implemented for Telegram Stars?
3 months agodjodev Authorno without telegram start
you can check demo and see all feautres
4 months agoi wan to buy this but have some questions please connect with me
4 months agodjodev Authorok contact me in telegram
5 months agoRoman22 PurchasedI have one question, where i must redirect root for show this app? I dont see index in public.
5 months agodjodev Authorhello Roman22 this project created with nextjs
check layout.tsx this page is root of project like index.html
not all language have index.html
5 months agoI will buy if you can set it up for me.
5 months agodjodev AuthorYou have instructions with everything you need plus if you need help you will get it but if you want me to set up everything for you it will require an additional fee
6 months agoHow long will it take to build the admin so every task could be edited from admin
6 months agodjodev Author3 day max
6 months agoI want to buy. But I have 2 questions:
When will you make a daily combo?
Is there an admin panel? Let me see if there is. -
6 months agodjodev AuthorIt is currently available in the project, and as for modifying daily tasks such as videos and communication channels, it can be modified directly on the code by changing the links, title and description. Since the project is based on Prisma, all you have to do is run simple command and the database wille be change autamatique