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Pill Soccer - Unity App TemplatePill Soccer - Unity App Template
Pill Soccer is a 2-player soccer game where you control 3D pill-shaped characters to score more goals than your opponent.Home / App Templates / Unity / Templates / Sport

Pill Soccer - Unity App Template
Pill Soccer is a 2-player soccer game where you control 3D pill-shaped characters to score more g...5 Support questions or comments
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3 months agoHello .. is this game adapted to work on android and ios phones?
3 months agoWEGS Authoris suitable for both.
3 months agothats great ... can you provide me with an apk to test it ?
3 months agowell? i need to test the game because i want to buy it today .. so do you have an apk?
3 months agoDoes the have upgrades like purchasing item hats clothing or upgrades for player , does the app comes with admin panel?
3 months agoWEGS Authorno panels.
5 months agoOrangeStudiosGames PurchasedHello! I sent you a message and an email, I need you to generate a signed letter stating that the owner of the content has given you permission to use it.
I'm waiting for your response, I need to be able to publish the game! -
3 months agoWEGS Authoremail sent.
7 months agomarcosmonte2b PurchasedComprei este template e estou com dificuldades de exportá-lo como build, ele nao importa as cenas todas para executar, existe alguma documentation?
7 months agoWEGS AuthorI send it as a whole when I send it as a message to your e-mail address.
7 months agomarcosmonte2b PurchasedOs arquivo que baixo daqui não são completos? Ou somente o do email é completo?
7 months agomarcosmonte2b Purchasedpode me reenviar novamente: [email protected]
7 months agoOrangeStudiosGames PurchasedHello, I bought the template, but the unity project is not in the download, there is only a file "kafatopu.unitypackage", can you please send me the complete project? I can't open it like that in Unity
7 months agoWEGS AuthorYou can install it by double clicking while Unity is open. If you send me your email address, I can send it to you.
7 months agoOrangeStudiosGames Purchased