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Chapull Market - Exchange Website PythonChapull Market - Exchange Website Python
Exchange Website Python Django. This website is designed on purpose to help people exchange their items through the website that uHome / Scripts & Code / Django

Chapull Market - Exchange Website Python
Exchange Website Python Django. This website is designed on purpose to help people exchange their...3 Support questions or comments
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Sep 18, 2019Hi, I would recommend to host your code on InvenTrust (www.inventrust.com) as well, which is a marketplace for code and apps. InvenTrust is built on blockchain and is powered by AI.
Sep 16, 2019javinindia Purchasedhi
According to the readme files , we had setup the django project on the online server , but when we tried to run the website , we got a table missing by the name of main_item.
could you please provide this table on priority. thank you -
Sep 16, 2019xordinate Authorhi, i think that it's related with database migrations. Also django and python versions important. Can you check your database. can be sure about all models migrated.
Sep 16, 2019javinindia PurchasedWe have the exact version on the server and we did the database migrations 3 times already and every time main_item table is missing. Could you please suggest the steps. thank you
Sep 16, 2019xordinate Authori will check and prepare vagrant file for you. You send me a mail. You can find my mail from readme.