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Idle Tower Defense UnityIdle Tower Defense Unity
IDLE TOWER DEFENSE game template is a complete project template that will help you create a 2D idle game

Home / App Templates / Unity / Templates / Casual

Idle Tower Defense Unity
IDLE TOWER DEFENSE game template is a complete project template that will help you create a 2D id...

5 Support questions or comments
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1 month agoriskjc PurchasedCan you give me the working version of the project because it doesn't work!
1 month agofoxgames Authorhello
This game works normal with Unity 2022.3. Let's me know your problem. Let's resolve together
6 months agookoyskabo Purchasedis this game endless or is there a max level?
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6 months agofoxgames AuthorIt has level stage and world. For detail, about 50 waves in once stage then next world. The game has 2 world, you can add more worlds
5 months agookoyskabo Purchasedthanks for the response. if you can guide me on how to add those worlds. I was thinking of making it endless waves. lastly, on other idle tower defense they have like cards or spells. are they included on the final build? the demo build got none. thanks
4 months agookoyskabo Purchasedgood day. just purchased. can you guide me on adding worlds? where can i contact you?
6 months agomuhammadislom PurchasedUnable to load Firebase app options ([D:/google play/google play dagi oyinlar/Game/source/IdleTowerDefense_ver1.0/IdleTowerDefense/Assets/StreamingAssetsgoogle-services-desktop.json, D:/google play/google play dagi oyinlar/Game/source/IdleTowerDefense_ver1.0/IdleTowerDefense/Assets/StreamingAssetsgoogle-services.json] are missing or malformed)
UnityEngine.Debug:LogError (object)
error when launching the game.
1) How do I add a new map
2) where factory
3) Can you provide more detailed documentation.
Documentation that is inside the archive is specified where to change ads keys in which folder sprite and audio. There is nothing more !
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6 months agomuhammadislom Purchasedthe improvement triggers Partycle System DustDirtyPoof
DustDirtyPoof is not triggered when taking damage
ExplosionRoundFire is not triggered when destroying Tower
Is this a bug ? The prefabs are there but they don't work -
6 months agofoxgames AuthorHello
you don't need care log about Firebase, it's not effect to game play logic
If you have any questions, I can support you in messages box -
6 months agofoxgames AuthorMainly, the document focus to reskin and change ads key and ready the game to publish. For more detail, you can write to questions in text file, share me and I will update the document to you
8 months agoshiEi PurchasedHow do I load the files into unity? I'm totally new to all these
8 months agofoxgames AuthorHello
All documents to install Unity and open project by this official link
Mar 6, 2024hi, is there have login system?
Mar 7, 2024foxgames Authorno, all data is saved in local