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AI Image Generator - Android App TemplateAI Image Generator - Android App Template
AI Image Generator, Chat GPT Tool, Chat AI, Magic AI Avatars, AI Art Generator, AI Chatbot Assistant

Home / App Templates / Android / Applications / AI

AI Image Generator - Android App Template
AI Image Generator, Chat GPT Tool, Chat AI, Magic AI Avatars, AI Art Generator, AI Chatbot Assistant

4 Support questions or comments
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7 months agobigbhoye1111 PurchasedHello again - I would be grateful if you could send me the API key please or tell me where to find it.
6 months agoCelestialInfosoft AuthorWe've mentioned and repeated it before – We use a free API, so you don't need an API key to search for one. We have also included information about this in our product overview, which you can read.
7 months agobigbhoye1111 PurchasedHello, thank you for letting me know - I will buy!
Pre-purchase question: Do I need to buy Regular or Extended licence to get API key for free?
Also, is the API key integrated to the app directly or do we need to insert it? how does it work?
What type of API key does app using? is OpenAI GPT?
Kind regards, -
7 months agoCelestialInfosoft AuthorThank you for your interest!
Read our disclaimer named "Must Note Before App Purchase" in the product overview. and We use a free third-party API.
Please review our product. It's free for you but valuable for us. -
7 months agobigbhoye1111 PurchasedHello, I have already bought your app - and I have sent you a private massage!
7 months agobigbhoye1111 PurchasedHello, is this still available? I'm really interested
Please let me know! -
7 months agoCelestialInfosoft AuthorYes, it is available. You can purchase it.
If you have any further questions, please let us know.
Jan 8, 2024because this app does not have an admin panel and the other does?
you can add it? -
7 months agoCelestialInfosoft Authorya sure
Category | App Templates / Android / Applications / AI |
First release | 20 October 2023 |
Last update | 20 October 2023 |
Operating Systems | Android 7.0, Android 8.0, Android 9.0, Android 10.0, Android 11.0, Android 12.0 |
Files included | .apk, .java, .xml |
Tags | chat ai, ai image generator, magic ai avatars, ai chatbot assistant, chat gpt tool, ai art generator |