Home / App Templates / Android / Applications / Fitness

iSportsMan - Workout Trainer AndroidiSportsMan - Workout Trainer Android
Simplest sports workout tracker. Track your runs, walks, cycling, hiking, skiing, sailing and all of the other fitness activities.

Home / App Templates / Android / Applications / Fitness

iSportsMan - Workout Trainer Android
Simplest sports workout tracker. Track your runs, walks, cycling, hiking, skiing, sailing and all...

7 Support questions or comments
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Oct 23, 2021Gedean Purchasedhello i just bought the app's source code, when i try to run it in android studio i get this error
Could not initialize class com.android.sdklib.repositoryv2.AndroidSdkHandler -
Oct 25, 2021rogamen AuthorWhich JDK you have in Android Studio?
Please look at this answer:
May 30, 2019Hello I would like to discuss option on further an app based on this template. How should we communicate? Thanks
May 30, 2019rogamen AuthorHello, what would you like to ask? You can ask here if you have large specific question you can email me [email protected] Kind regards
Mar 5, 2019ptrnur11 PurchasedHello. I'm newbie here, why .xml not permission?
Mar 9, 2019rogamen AuthorHello, sorry I didn't understand your question. What is wrong exactly?
Feb 21, 2019I can't buy this source, why? tell me
Feb 25, 2019rogamen AuthorWhy not? What error do you get?
Mar 3, 2019"An error has occured while processing your payment. Please try again" like this
Mar 4, 2019rogamen Authorhmmmm, thats strange. Did you try to contact the codester support?
Dec 27, 2017ruserious PurchasedHi.
Great App. Just to be clear because this is my first template with no documentation on re skin. Don't want to be breaking any laws.
Am i good to change this code as i see fit? eg: colors, titles, point to my email, point to my app store apps .
i want to add more activities , also i want to change how its location service works, by sampling entries. eg: running and u stop at an intersection and GPS floats off to the left. then u proceed to run straight. I don't want to add that little float to the left to my distance.
This app is well coded. very clean. well documented. Great work.
Dec 29, 2017rogamen AuthorHello,
you can change it and add activities as you want.
Kind regards.
Sep 18, 2017blackburnbbm PurchasedHi,
I can't findthe file where i put my admob code, there's so many files in the priject, in which file i'll find the admob code ? - View 1 more reply
Sep 19, 2017rogamen AuthorGoogle Analytics you have in MainAcitvity.
Admob IDs you have in XML files in main_activity.xml and track_item.
Kind regards. -
Sep 19, 2017blackburnbbm Purchasedyes, i have already resolved that. thanks
Sep 19, 2017rogamen AuthorYou are welcome. Regards.
Aug 4, 2017is it possible to have a meal tracker and meal challenge added to this app
- View 1 more reply
Aug 6, 2017i want to be able to add daily menus and food challenges like no carb 30 day challenges and with it a menu that pops up on different intervals, like breakfast, lunch and dinner
Aug 6, 2017And will i get the sourcecode ?
Aug 6, 2017rogamen AuthorYes it is possible. Yes you get complet source code as it is in this link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.gvarani.isportsman
Category | App Templates / Android / Applications / Fitness |
First release | 18 July 2017 |
Last update | 18 July 2017 |
Files included | .java, .xml |
Operating Systems | Android 7.0, Android 4.0, Android 5.0, Android 6.0 |
Tags | workout, training, sailing, sport, travel, running, walking, Pedometer, trainer, activities, bycle |