mvcSPA PHP Dashboard PlatformmvcSPA PHP Dashboard Platform
Low footprint, lightning fast MVC, PDO-CRUD, Single Page Application platform. Built-in Bootstrap dashboard theme.

mvcSPA PHP Dashboard Platform
Low footprint, lightning fast MVC, PDO-CRUD, Single Page Application platform. Built-in Bootstrap...

2 Support questions or comments
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Feb 16, 2024mvcspa AuthorCarlos,
I have been testing and continuously improving this platform for over more than 9 years. Its not a template system, it is an actual working MVC platform.
1. Are updates included in the license?
ANSWER: Yes, when you purchase a license, you will receive lifetime updates.
2. I notice your platform does plugins. How does that work, and can i make my own plugin for your system ?
ANSWER: Yes, with my latest release, software plugins are supported. You can write modules or packages as plugins for website built utilizing the mvcspa. The benefits are that the source plugin code can be kept in a mvc style folder separate from the core mvcspa software.
Additionally, you can write a plugin package or module for my product mvcspa under my logo. This plugin would have to be validated by me in that it works properly.
In the future, I would be introducing a quiz builder & an appointment scheduler plugin.
3. It says your platform is lightning fast; What makes the mvcspa so lightning fast?
-- Learning Curve
The learning curve its greatly reduced, you don't have to learn new syntax and functionality under a myriad of new wrapper classes. You just use plain html, javascript/jQuery, PHP & SQL. You only have one wrapper class for PDO CRUD functionality. ( see https://mvcspa.net )
A few PDO CRUD examples:
-- get all [user] from a table based on a organization
==> $resultset = $this->model->db->select('user', $where=array('orgid' => $orgid));
-- get organization name based on organization id
==> $row = $this->model->db->getOne('org', array('orgid'=> $row->orgid), $sel='orgname' );
ANSWER: Keep it simple, do it quickly, run it efficiently
-- MVCspa Libraries
The platform gives you all the control, libraries are small so that you can configured or tailor it to your liking.
It includes login hashing, encryption for credit card and private data, builtin routing, a simple PDO CRUD
class provides ease of database navigation plus SQL injection security, password reset logic,
user role management & authentication to access the different controllers, builtin dashboard, plus other utilities.
ANSWER: As you start on a new project, you are already halfway there!
-- Why is it fast
Because you do not have a sleuth of class libraries languishing away calling each other like in other frameworks. Thus, you have very fast execution.
easy to learn
easy to customize
lightning fast execution
faster application deployment
easy to test & debug application ( see sysadmin super user function )
Feb 16, 2024Carlos119 PurchasedI'm interested in purchasing the MVC Spa, I have a few questions
1. Are updates included in the license?
2. I notice your platform does plugins. How does that work, and can i make my own plugin for your system ?
3. It says your platform is lightning fast; What makes the mvcspa so lightning fast?
Category | Scripts & Code / PHP Scripts / Website Builders |
First release | 17 July 2023 |
Last update | 6 February 2024 |
HTML/CSS Framework | Bootstrap |
Software version | PHP 7.4, PHP 8.0, PHP 8.1, PHP 8.2, PHP 8.3 |
Files included | .php, .css, .html, .sql, Javascript .js |
Database | MySQL 4.x, MySQL 5.x |
JavaScript Framework | jQuery |
Tags | admin, php, bootstrap, jquery, MySQL, dashboard, Database, js, pdo, platform, mvc, framework, crud, web builder, mssql |