Sign a PDF document with JavaScript and PHPSign a PDF document with JavaScript and PHP
This script allows your users to review and sign a PDF document, such as a contract, invoice, bill, ...

Sign a PDF document with JavaScript and PHP
This script allows your users to review and sign a PDF document, such as a contract, invoice, bil...

15 Support questions or comments
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8 months agoHello, how can i test?
- View 7 more replies
8 months agoWhere is the private message box? I couldn't find.
8 months agolegibe Authorclick on my username in this conversation, then "send message".
8 months agoOf course i know this but it is not working. Let's try to send me message. You will see.
10 months agoBiazon PurchasedI changed the name of the pdf file, but the page is completely dark and the file does not load.
- View 1 more reply
10 months agoBiazon PurchasedIt's as if the page was loaded into the browser's cache and no longer updates.
10 months agoBiazon PurchasedProblem solved. Just update the composer. Sorry.
10 months agolegibe Authorhi! glad you found how to fix that, i wouldn't have thought about composer being a problem here... emptying the cache would make sense if the file name changes, as the javascript file wouldn't be reloaded without emptying the cache otherwise!
11 months agojokoasd PurchasedHi, I purchased the script and so far it seems to be working very well. Are there plans to add responsive design for mobile use?
11 months agolegibe Authorhi! it works perfectly on mobile, i didn't test on android, but it does on ios. as it's made using bootstrap, it should work perfectly. doesn't it?
8 months agointellixis PurchasedThis is what is needed to make the script responsive.
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" />
Mar 9, 2024Is this a SaaS script with payment gateway integration?
Mar 9, 2024legibe Authorhi!
no, there's no subscription to use it and no integrated payments whatsoever.
it's just a script that does what you can see on the screenshots, there's no other pages, just displaying a pdf, signing it, a success/download a copy of the signed pdf page, and that's all.
Feb 16, 2024ishuflac PurchasedHi i need your help how to install this scripts can you help me?
Feb 16, 2024legibe Authorhi! thanks for purchasing the script.
are you a developer? if yes, it's pretty straightforward to install, there is an "installation instructions" file with the code that should help.
Feb 13, 2024silvium PurchasedHi, I bought and installed the script.
But I can't see any option where I can upload a pdf online and then to sign.
Please advise. - View 1 more reply
Feb 13, 2024legibe Authorhi! and thank you for your purchase.
there's no option to upload a pdf file, because the script only focuses on displaying/signing it. different people will have different needs with the script, some people will generate a pdf that they want their users to sign, some people will import it from another server, some people want to be able to upload it... it would be impossible to cover all needs and that's not the goal of the script at all.
so you can either code the upload yourself (it's not that difficult) or simply replace the demo pdf file on your server (and use the same file name, or change the file name in the code).
the "back to homepage" button is just here to fil the space and illustrate what could be done, but there's no homepage, there's only the "display the pdf/sign it" page and the "thank you, download a copy of the signed pdf" page.
i hope you understand that the script is intentionally kept as simple as possible, so people can easily adapt it to their own needs without having to remove a lot of code they don't need. that's the idea. -
Feb 14, 2024silvium PurchasedCan you customize and tho add the option to upload the pdf file? otherwise for me is not useful. how much you will charge to add the upload function?
Feb 14, 2024legibe Authoras i explained in my previous message, different people have different needs and i don't want to cover all needs and load the script with features that people will then need to remove because they don't need them.
for sure, you can tell me more about what you need by direct message so i can see how long it might take to develop it, before i can give you a price.
Jan 11, 2024do you have any demo online so I can try it before I can buy it?
I need to now if the sign will allow by the law in my country. thanks -
Jan 12, 2024legibe Authorhi,
i actually cannot provide a demo of this script, because half of the code is made of javascript and anyone could easily copy/paste that part of the code.
the screenshots are quite explicit on what the script does though.
do you know what specific requirements do you have exactly? maybe i can confirm you if the script will match them or not.
Dec 2, 2023adamis20 PurchasedHello dear,
Before I buy this script I have a few questions.
1- If I have a multi-page PDF document, will your script show the multi-page ones and only allow me to sign the document?
2- is there any special type/coding for the PDF? or could it be just a normal PDF?
Thank you -
Dec 2, 2023legibe Authorhi!
1) the script will display all pages one after the other, and whether the "signature" word is on the page 3, 7 or whatever, it will place the "sign the contract" button just after it.
2) it can be any pdf file yes, there's no specific restriction on types/codings/pdf versions as far as i know.
you're welcome
Nov 25, 2023Do you plan on updating in the future like being able to upload what they need to sign? Or is this already a feature. Since there is no demo I have no clue what this website contains. I see that people can sign their signature on the website but I don't see how they get to that point.
Nov 25, 2023legibe Authorhi!
thanks for your interest in the script.
the idea is to only offer this part: displaying a pdf document, adding a "sign the document" button at the right place, allow the users to sign, generate the signed pdf and confirm/offer to download it.
the thing is, every project having different needs, and it's impossible to cover them all while keeping a script that's simple to integrate to your own project. some people will want to allow their users to upload a document to sign it, and some others will generate a pdf and then offer to sign it, etc... you get the idea.
that's why the script is (and will remain) very simple and focused on what it does. the idea is really to keep it simple so developers can then adapt it to their own needs and without removing features they will certainly not need.
and to answer "i don't see how they get to that point": when opening the script, it directly displays the page that shows the pdf, there's no step before; again, you will adapt it to your own needs.
Oct 28, 2023Hi
1. do you accept orders from the UK ? It seems odd that the UK comes up as unavailable.
2. Can you supply this as a completed system - I'd be OKay to get it at your $66 price if so - I want a working system that I can install and use.
- View 2 more replies
Oct 28, 2023legibe Authorit will take a bit of time to have this whole system that you describe, for what i get. the script will cover the signing part for sure, but yeah, there's all the rest, and it wouldn't make sense to make a script that goes further than this and try to cover all the possible needs of integration everyone might have, it would be impossible anyway.
if you have no money for this, and are not a developer yourself, it will be complicated to have this whole system, unfortunately... maybe you can find a new volunteer that's also a php developer? and then, you know that they can save themselves loads of time with this script, at least. -
Oct 28, 2023But are there other pre-built scripts you know off that can be interfaced together with yours?
Where does your script stop and where would the next script have to start? -
Oct 28, 2023legibe Authori never looked into other similar scripts to be honest...
this script only does what you see in the screenshots: loading a pdf, displaying it with a "sign the document" button, the part to actually sign, then it adds the signature to the original pdf file, then confirms the signature with a "thank you" page and a link to download the file, that's it, it only focuses on that.
so let's say that you want to have:
1: a page where people login with an email/password
2: a list of one or several pdf documents they need to sign
3: the signing part
4: update the list of documents to sign so they can see that it's done, maybe download the signed pdf from there too
you realize that you also need a backoffice for yourself to:
5: create accounts
6: upload the pdfs to sign and say "this pdf is for this specific account to sign", send a link to the account by email so they can click the link to go and sign it
so my script will only cover the point 3, right? though the script needs to be adapted to display pdf files with different names, to remember what account is this pdf for, that sorts of things.
all the rest isn't that complicated to do, but it's still some work... even if you keep this very simple, a developer will still need a few days of work minimum to do it if they are fast and keep it all simple.
i would personally develop all the rest from scratch because there's nothing complicated in all of that and it would allow to keep a very simple code and struggle less to integrate the signing part of the script, but that's just me, and different developers have different preferences that all have pros and cons.
Category | Scripts & Code / JavaScript / Miscellaneous |
First release | 4 March 2023 |
Last update | 13 March 2023 |
Software version | PHP 7.0, PHP 7.1, PHP 7.2, PHP 7.3, PHP 7.4, PHP 8.0, PHP 5.x, PHP 5.4, PHP 5.5, PHP 5.6 |
Files included | .php, .css, .html, Javascript .js |
Tags | php, Javascript, invoice, document, sign, pdf, signature, contract, e-signature, signing, esign, numeric signature, e-sign |