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Mplay Music Player - Android App SourceMplay Music Player - Android App Source
Music Downloader & MP3 Music Download is an application that allows you to listen to music online, offline and download musicHome / App Templates / Android / Applications / Music

Mplay Music Player - Android App Source
Music Downloader & MP3 Music Download is an application that allows you to listen to music on...11 Support questions or comments
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Mar 8, 2023Salam akhi momkin tsa3dni n3dal tatbi9 l9it moxkil 3nd istkhrajih lah ihfdak ila mtwasl m3aya 3la watsap
Rabit hwa
https://api.whatsapp.com/send?phone=212680233741 - View 1 more reply
Mar 8, 2023Maxi moxkil khoya xhal dyal lwa9t wax b3da y9dar tsiftli msg nbasi lik photo txof li wahd problem wax n9dar nsybo rasi wla nstnak hta tsal ila kan momkin
Mar 8, 2023zakaria4digital Authorwah khouya machi mochkil ana anpasse lik msg
Mar 8, 2023Lah ihfdak akhi
Mar 2, 2023salam khay zakaria lah y7fdak 9oli wax ila la7t l app f play store hanya ??
Mar 2, 2023zakaria4digital Authorhanya khoya had l app raha fiha music b license machi music mn youtube
Mar 2, 20237it xaftk dayr boton fl app youtube fhamti
Mar 2, 2023zakaria4digital Author5as t7ayedha lbutton dyalh youtube o screen dyal yotube lab4ayti tlo7ha f youtube
Dec 22, 2022danielmaela04 PurchasedHi, I bought the application but it comes without the api my question and I don't have access to the api??
Dec 22, 2022zakaria4digital Authorsir you don't need the API to run the app, and API is already integrated inside the app, the API we use is Jamendo, to read terms of use :
Dec 22, 2022Hello, I am interested in purchasing the app, but when reviewing it I found some errors, no matter the music from Spotify, it gives me a blank screen and when I import music from YouTube I get Indian music
Dec 22, 2022zakaria4digital Authorbrother the apk is not updated we did update the app you now user can choose the country and language if the music he wants
Dec 24, 2022I am very interested in acquiring it, I liked it a lot, you can share it with me, I want to see how the extraction of music from the different platforms works. regards
Dec 25, 2022zakaria4digital Authorof course here is the updated apk https://drive.google.com/file/d/1sNMMMMaEbFZHUVnUAEvHRS8e9uHgpG1g/view?usp=sharing
Dec 20, 2022ayeshahashmi PurchasedI also tried the application as android studio but it came out in flutter.kindly you can convert this code in java
Dec 20, 2022zakaria4digital Authordon't worry i will help you, just send me the errors in private
Dec 20, 2022ayeshahashmi PurchasedI also tried the application as android studio but it came out in flutter.kindly you can convert this code in java
Dec 20, 2022zakaria4digital Authordon't worry i will help you, just send me the errors in private
Dec 20, 2022ayeshahashmi Purchasedhello, friend I buy this but i face many problem in file.kindly solve my problem
Dec 20, 2022zakaria4digital Authorof course brother send the errors to me in private
Dec 10, 2022tieudaodu84 Purchasedbro , please show me how to set homepage is youtube (when login app , home page is youtube fragment)
Dec 10, 2022zakaria4digital Authorplease send me more details in private
Dec 7, 2022tieudaodu84 Purchasedhi , i have buy it .
Dec 7, 2022zakaria4digital Authorgood for you brother
Dec 5, 2022thetrin PurchasedHi Zakaria,
i found that some albums appeared on the home screen are empty. How can i remove them ? ".dart" file i should modify?
Thank you.
Than -
Dec 5, 2022zakaria4digital AuthorHello sir, its because of the API website have some empty albums you can't filter but they update albums always when songs available
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Quality checked by Codester
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Category | App Templates / Android / Applications / Music |
First release | 23 September 2022 |
Last update | 23 September 2022 |
Operating Systems | iOS 10.0, Android 7.0, Android 8.0, iOS 11.0, Android 9.0, iOS 12.0, Android 10.0, iOS 14.0, iOS 13.0, iOS 15.0, Android 11.0, Android 12.0, iOS 8.0, iOS 9.0, Android 4.0, Android 5.0, Android 6.0 |
Files included | .swift, .apk, .java |
Tags | search engine, music player, music downloader, mp3 downloader, Music Share, music sharing, Soundcloud clone, music streaming, listen music, spotify clone, music social network, android music app, mobile music streaming application, music source code, youtube music clone |