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Image Converter PHP ScriptImage Converter PHP Script
An online image converter built with PHP and Jaravel that allows to convert images up to 24 different formats. Average rating of 5.0 based on 26 votesHome / Scripts & Code / PHP Scripts / Multimedia / Image
Image Converter PHP Script
An online image converter built with PHP and Jaravel that allows to convert images up to 24 diff... Average rating of 5.0151 Support questions or comments
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2 weeks agoDemo url not found
2 weeks agoLittleJohn AuthorFixed! Thanks for the tip.
2 weeks agosohelrana10 PurchasedHello sir please solve your script Performance:
First Contentful Paint
Largest Contentful Paint
2 weeks agoLittleJohn AuthorThanks for letting me know. I think it's because of the icons. I'll delete them in the next update.
2 weeks agosohelrana10 PurchasedNot only that, if you add Google AdSense ads to your script, the website will no longer work and the speed will become slow.
2 weeks agoLittleJohn AuthorYes, AdSense slows a website's speed because it loads many scripts. That's a known problem. But it has nothing t o do with the app.
What do you mean it no longer works? Do you have a URL to check that?
2 weeks agoskd PurchasedI also need multi-language functionality
2 weeks agoLittleJohn AuthorI'm currently working on building the features so they will be included in the dashboard for ease of use. I'll include it in the future update with other new features
1 month agobrucelam PurchasedPlease add multi languages!!!
1 month agoLittleJohn AuthorIt's on my to-do list. Sp i'll add it in a future update
1 month agowaqatulislam PurchasedHi sir @LittleJohn
How do you centre the converter button? -
1 month agoLittleJohn AuthorI'll have to get back to you on that
1 month agowaqatulislam PurchasedThere is an option to apply a separate CSS code. Just tell me the CSS code and it will be used. Or can you tell me how it will be done?
1 month agoLittleJohn AuthorSorry I totally forgot. Can you send me the app URL with the new icons? Also you can add custom CSS from the dashboard in the Styles Settings section
1 month agowaqatulislam PurchasedWhere to change converter icon?
1 month agoLittleJohn AuthorThere is no built-in feature to change the icons. But if you want to do it manually, all the icons are in laravel/resources/views/components/icons/formats
1 month agowaqatulislam Purchased<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xml:space="preserve" width="18.0684mm" height="22.6614mm" version="1.1" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd"
viewBox="0 0 1806.84 2266.14"
<style type="text/css">
.fil1 {fill:#0284C7;fill-rule:nonzero}
.fil0 {fill:#FF9A00;fill-rule:nonzero}
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<path class="fil0" d="M1598.05 847.2c-17.38,0 -31.47,-14.09 -31.47,-31.47l0 -298.58 -453.67 -453.67 -931.19 0c-69.52,0 -125.9,56.41 -125.9,125.89l0 1442.61c0,17.38 -14.09,31.48 -31.47,31.48 -17.38,0 -31.48,-14.1 -31.48,-31.48l0 -1442.61c0,-104.27 84.57,-188.84 188.85,-188.84l944.22 0c0.01,0 0.04,0 0.05,0 8.33,0 16.34,3.31 22.23,9.19l472.12 472.11c5.88,5.89 9.18,13.9 9.18,22.23 0,0.01 0,0.06 0,0.06l0 311.61c0,17.38 -14.09,31.47 -31.47,31.47z"/>
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<path class="fil0" d="M1598.05 535.59l-472.11 0c-17.38,0 -31.47,-14.09 -31.47,-31.47l0 -472.12c-0.43,-20.75 29.79,-46.24 55.68,-20.35l470.19 470.18c22.88,24.73 -3.73,53.76 -22.29,53.76z"/>
My svg code Please suggest, not fit in a round box -
1 month agowaqatulislam PurchasedSee in this image https://ibb.co/mz2cChp
2 months agoCan this script convert a 2 color png to a 2 color SVG? Or only to black?
You can't test it in the demo
2 months agohi sir how are you? sir tell me this script work in web hosting direct panel? please replay
2 months agowaqatulislam PurchasedIn this you can convert from JPG to another
Can't convert to other to JPG -
1 month agoLittleJohn AuthorTry to adjust the height and width: width="18.0684mm" height="22.6614mm"
2 months agowaqatulislam PurchasedFevicon icon changing error
Category | Scripts & Code / PHP Scripts / Multimedia / Image |
First release | 8 August 2022 |
Last update | 23 January 2024 |
Files included | .php, .css |
Tags | php, image, online, converter, png, jpeg, bmp |