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LineMate - Unlimited WhatsApp And Telegram Groups LineMate - Unlimited WhatsApp And Telegram Groups
Share your group’s link in LineMate App to get millions of real users

Home / App Templates / Android / Applications / Social

LineMate - Unlimited WhatsApp And Telegram Groups
Share your group’s link in LineMate App to get millions of real users

3 Support questions or comments
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Jan 8, 2023muneeb376 Purchasedstill waiting for support reply
Aug 12, 2022Hello Support, I just have two requests. Just two to make this application effective.
PLEASE, this is to help both you as the developer and me as buyer.
It is a fact that WhatsApp and Telegram Groups are mostly niche based or location based.
1. Can you PLEASE add categories just like there are categories on your Whatstapp and Telegram group CMS.
2. You understand that everyone creating a WhatsApp group or Telegram group:
(a)Is either doing it to for people located in a certain town or country.
(Example Telegram/WhatsApp group of people who live in Mumbai)
(b)Is creating for a certain business or service niche
Example WhatsApp/Telegram group group for Skating community or for Photographers etc... It has to be a niche.
So the most important things are missing on this app.
Categories and Locations.
How can we help you to add them as soon as possible?
I am willing to pay $49 instead of $39 when you add this two within the next one week or few days.
Please contact me and I will pay ASAP. Thank you. -
Aug 12, 2022KrishnaApps AuthorI will do it in the next update, if you want this thing only for you then you can contact us: +918307878848
Nov 30, 2022KrishnaApps AuthorApp and Admin Panel is updated, Check Changelog: 25-11-2022 in the description, for what changes we have made.
Aug 7, 2022rogerioshow35 Purchasedhow do i find the purchase code and api KEY.
Aug 7, 2022KrishnaApps AuthorWe support only from our ticket system:
Category | App Templates / Android / Applications / Social |
First release | 15 July 2022 |
Last update | 11 January 2023 |
Operating Systems | Android 7.0, Android 9.0, Android 10.0, Android 11.0, Android 12.0, Android 5.0, Android 6.0 |
Files included | .php, .css, .apk, .dat, .dex, .java, .xml |
Tags | whatsapp groups, girls whatsapp groups, groups link, join telegram groups, join whatsapp link, telegram groups, whatsapp groups for education |